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After an ovariohysterectomy (spay), the abdominal sutures should remain in place a minimum of 14 days (two weeks). This allows the underlying tissues to heal so that when the sutures are removed, the abdominal wall remains closed.

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Q: How long do the stitches stay in after spaying?
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Related questions

How long do stitches stay in?

6 to 8 weeks

How long do internal stitches stay in the abdomen or do they stay in?

They dissolve after some time.

How long do dogs paw stitches stay in?

10 days

How do you stop a cat from licking stitches after spaying?

You can get your pet a cone for around$10-$15, it will prevent dog from licking stitches. (My dog licked her stitches and got 4 staples with no anesthesia)

How long should e collar stay on dog after been spayed?

Until the stitches have been removed.

How long do stiches have stay in in the testis?

Usually doctors out absorbable or "disappearing" stitches in the testes, these usually dissolve on their own in about ten days.

What if your kitten has just been spayed and wants to climb when can she do that?

Check with your vet. It is best to try and refrain a kitten from climbing until after they take out the stitches a week or two after spaying.

Is there anything safe you can put on the stiff stitches after spaying to keep them from sticking to the dog's skin?

Sometimes when the vet has spayed the dog they can often end the stitching (a knot) leaving a piece of the stitch too long that can dig into the dog's belly. Either you can cut off the extra or take the dog back to the vet (there should be no additional cost for this) and have them check the stitches out. Stitches don't stick to the skin, but are sewn in. The vet would have told you when to bring the dog back to have the stitches removed. If the wound looks good and the dog is irritated by the stitches (each dog, just like a human can heal quickly or slowly) perhaps it's time for the dog to have the stitches out. See your vet right away!

How long are stitches on the ear in for?

it is long for 5 tinnitus

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

How long do stitches stay in after laparoscopic surgery?

The stiches are covered by tape and are usually of the disolvable type.So if after a couple of weeks when the wound has healed and they have not disolved see your doctor to have them removed.

What are Temporary stiches?

They are loose, long stitches that are designed to hold the fabric in place until you can put in the real stitches - they're also called basting stitches.