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If you take really good care of you male betta fish then he could live up to 5years. Like, if you change their water like twice a week and if you feed them about twice a day and if you buy a little plant that they sell at pet stores,it's a little plant that goes at the bottom of your fish bowl and it gives the fish oxygen. But, if you decide to not take good care of your betta fish then he could only live for a couple of monthes.

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Q: How long do male betta's live for in a bowl?
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Can you put two bettas in one bowl?

Not male bettas, not ever. Females can live together, but you'd have to make sure to give them both enough space. A "bowl" usually won't give them enough space. Even still, they can and will sometimes get into fights.

Can you put a boy and girl betta fish in the same bowl?

Not for very long. Male and female bettas fight when in the same tank or bowl. They can be placed together briefly for mating purposes.

What happens if you put a male Betta fish with a female Betta Would they kill or fight with each other?

You can NOT keep female and male bettas together! Male bettas can get very aggressive and will fight to the death. Make sure to separate your bettas.

Can male bettas be in the same bowl?

NO!Placing two male bettas within one habitat is a guaranteed fight-to-the-death, no matter how big the tank.In an experiment conducted by a curious researcher, two male bettas were placed in a lake with plenty of room for both fish. Instead of separating, the two flared and began to fight vigorously. Call it male competition for the ladies, fight for survival, or flat out aggression, male bettas willfight!

Will male and female sibling live together happily?

No. Male Bettas will not tolerate another Betta in its vicinity.

Can fish harm each other?

well if its a betta fish then yes, two male bettas in one bowl may result in one killing the other. you may also notice that even when there is only one male betta is in a bowl it will try to attack its reflection thinking its another male betta

Who do you help you betta fish stay alive for a long time?

If you want your betta fish to live a long time you have to take care of it properly. Clean out the water in the bowl once a week or if it starts to look cloudy(also when you clean the bowl, clean the rocks and fake plants). Bettas like plants to hide in and feel safe, so it's important to get a plant. Don't ever put two male bettas in a bowl together because they will fight and kill one another. You can put a male and female betta together, they might not like one another, but they should be fine together. You can also put several female bettas together in a bowl and they will be perfectly fine. Remember to feed your betta a little bit each day and if they finish what you gave them you can feed them a little bit more, but don't over feed a lot because it can make them sick.

Where does bettas live?

Contrary to common belief, bettas DO NOT live in tiny puddles or footprints. Bettas live in rice patties in the far east. These rice patties are the size of the drainage ditches along most major highways, and are stacked next to each other for hundreds of acres. Male bettas often claim entire patties as their territory

Do bettas kill guppys?

Bettas will eat baby guppys as will most other fish, but in general, male Bettas will only fight with other male Bettas. They do not fight with other species of fish

Why do male bettas try to fight their reflection?

They see them the same as other male bettas,as competition,they cannot tell the diffrence between their reflections and other bettas.

How can you tell which bettas a boy?

Male bettas have a long tail fin, and they are brightly colored; more so than the female which is a dull color. She has a short tail.

What is the most independent fish?

male bettas are independent and crayfish can be are algae eaters can live alone too.