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how long drug addicts stay in detoxAdrug addict spends as much time in detox as needed, which is until they are no longer dependant on drugs.this could take from 4 weeks to 4 years ANOTHER ANSWERIDEALLY, PEOPLE STAY IN DETOX until they are well enough to leave. Unfortunately, people stay in detox as long as they can afford to self-pay; or until their insurance stops paying; or until medicare or medicade stops paying. Clinicians know this, and give an individual the best care they can in that time frame. A good detox program usually has a "Plan of Care" in place before discharge, and also tries to provide "follow-up" care. Ultimately, it's up to the individual to continue "sticking with the program" once detox helps them detoxify their body safely, and get them well on their way to recovery. Not really...Wow...4 weeks to 4 years? No not really. It all depends on what the addict is detoxing from. If its Alcohol, then about a week. If its Heroin, or Opiates in general then detox only takes 3-5 days. With Cocain, the Detox is just a day or two because its not a physical addiction, its just mental but very strong. The addict can then choose to go for an extended In- Patient stay, which can be 1-3 months. During those months they will spend their days in counseling and in AA meetings. The addict will be in RECOVERY for the rest of his/her life, because the mental aspects of addiction are embedded into the psychy. BUT DETOXonly takes a couple days.
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12y ago
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14y ago

It depends where you are. Drug addicts shouldn't be in prison in my opinion. They should be rehabilitated. No one would lose sleep over me shooting up dope into the middle of the night if I felt like it. It's another thing if I went out that same night to steal a few radios to get another bundle.

These people need help. They don't need to be hardened and desensitized by a violent prison-industrial-complex.

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12y ago

Depending on a particular patients addictive diagnoses and the amount of time a Doctor recommends for treatment. Many drug addicts have relapses where they have to seek treatment for years at a time.

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16y ago

Depending on what type of program you enter, Drug Rehab can last from a few days to months.

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Q: How long do you need to undergo a detox program?
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To detox from "pot" you will either need to stop using, or obtain a detox from a local detox place. Remember not all detoxes work be aware of the fakes. Normally once taken a detox you will need to urine once and then the secound time you urine it will come out negative for narcotics.

Exercising Is Essential in a Quick Detox Program?

When people think of a quick detox program, usually they think about the different ways they can cut back on consuming food. People can easily go overboard in a detox program and consume portions of food that are too small and lack nutritional value. Instead of making this mistake, one should have a detox program filled with nutritional foods and exercise as well. The element of exercise is crucial to a successful detox program. Exercise is what makes people really look great during a detox program. Without exercise, a person can look brittle and frail while he or she is partaking in a detox program. Going on regular runs or lifting weights are essential forms of exercise that you should engage in on a daily basis. You will also feel more energetic by adding the element of exercise to your detox plan. A detox plan can leave people feeling devoid of energy and tired all the time. If you add exercise to a detox plan, then you will feel ready to continue your detox plan. You will also feel motivated to continue eating healthy foods as opposed to foods rich in fat. Yoga can be a great form of exercise to choose during a detox program. Yoga can uplift your spirit and help you attain mental clarity as well. Yoga will also tone and cleanse all of your inner organs. Try joining a yoga class during a detox program. In addition to exercising, you should still consume foods that make up a balanced diet. Do not try to eliminate all of the core foods in your diet. Instead, you should still consume foods like meats. Just because meats may have some extra calories in them does not make them healthy. Instead of completely depriving yourself of meats, try choosing lean types of meats to consume. Try consuming small portions of lean meats such as chicken breast or roast beef. These types of meats give you the substance of your diet that will aid in building muscle and burning calories. If you are exercising frequently during a detox program, then you will need to eat frequent small meals. Small meals that are consumed frequently during a detox program will help you actually burn more calories in the long run. Eating frequently throughout the day helps your body to boost its metabolism and burn as many calories as it can in a day.

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you need a college degree or your premed.To become a pediatric doctor, you need to undergo and successfully pass the requirements in the residency program of the Department of Pediatrics in a hospital and pass the specialty boards in Pediatrics.

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you need to call the rescue detox people for sure. if you just did drugs and then need something fast for a surprise test, the 32oz rescue detox will be your best bet.

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2.7 seconds.

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The human body does not need to ingest anything to "detox". So-called weight loss products are unfortunately doomed to fail in the long run. Weight gain and weight loss are dependent on what you eat.

Do detox pills work on fake weed?

Fake weed doesn't show up on drug tests, therefore no need to detox.

Can you do a total body detox bath?

well it depends. what do you need it for?