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Q: How long do people live with nf1?
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Your daughter is 7 year old she has nf1 she has neurofiborma on one of the eye nerve and spinal she also has dyslexia is nf1 and dyslexia related?

I amd 29 and I have NF1, I have read before that dyslexia is more common in nf1 patents, I was never officialy diagnosec. But I do have many of the signs of it. My mother does as well(she carried the NF1 Gene) If you would like to contact me about any other experences email me at and put NF1 in hte subject line.

Is epilepsy relative to nf1?


What are facts about neurofibromatosis?

People who have NF1 may have very few neurofibromas, or they may have thousands throughout their bodies

Is neurofibromatosis occrs in India?

yes !! I suffer from NF1

How long do people with Achondroplasia live?

as long as people do.

Can you die from Neurofibromatosis?

yes you can just like any other disease. some cases are more severe than others. most people who have nf1 can live normal, healthy lives. if you have nf2, the more severe case, it may very well shorten your lifespan.

How long do dwarf live for?

They can live nearly or as long as other people.

What is NF1?

NF1 is neurofibromatosis also has a variant NF2. NF1 affects 1 in 3000 people and isn't a disease, this is a condition which affects the nerves. Fibroma are small bumps which appear on nerve endings and can appear anywhere on the body. Signs of NF1 include cafe au lait patches which may be confused with birthmarks, feckled arm pits and groin area and neurofibroma. This conditon is not as well known as many other conditions like MS. This condition like all other have different serverites. Joesph Merrick (The Elephant Man) was at first thought to suffer from this but later rediagnosed. This can be passed on from parents to offspring. If either parent has this there is a 50/50 chance of passing it on to the child. THIS CONDITION IS NOT CONTAGIOUS and must not be treated or thought of as such.

How long do people live with meningoencephalitis?

did people live with that all time

How long do people live for in Brazil?

they live for about 72 years

Where did the mohawk people live in?

Live in longhouses. This is 100 feet long and up to 60 people could live there.

How long can people live in earth?

None no for sure how long.