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Polar bears do not hibernate, only pregnant polar bears do.

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12y ago

Around two years, the mother will teach the cubs how to hunt and survive in the icey cold conditions.

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12y ago

Well, i was once pregnant, and i stayed in my man-cave for one hour. Then i gave my child up for adoption. Worst day of my life

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Q: How long does it take to make the polar bear's den?
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How long do mama polar bears take care of their young?

for at least three months then they are released Young polar bears are dependent on their mothers for nearly two years.

How long does it take for polar bears eggs to hatch?

About like 3 or 2 weeks

Are polar bears an enemy of elephant seals?

Yes a polar bear is an enemy of the elephant sea land the elephant seals are a food source for the bears.

Who would win a fight - 1 lion or 3 polar bears?

The Polar bears, Polar bears are one of the most perfect predatory killing machines on land one Polar bear could probably take down three lions.

Why do people take bears to captivity?

They do it because polar bears are rare and are being hunted by poachers.

How long does it take polar bears to swim 6 miles?

That is their swimming speed, so about one hour, unless they take a nap while doing so!

For how long will polar bears live?

no one knows for how long it will take for them to die out but i hope its not for a long time. they were going to die with hunting but now that is controlled by law and now global warming i think they are doomed.

Do polar bears feel cold and if so how cold must it be?

Polar Bears are actually more in danger of over-heating then hypothermia. The Bear can swim in frozen ocean water with no ill-effect. To hunt Polar Bear the native have their sled dogs harrass them until the faint from heat exhaustion (doesn't really take all that long either), and then they walk up to them and harpoon them.

How do polar bears keep themselves warm in winter?

polar bears dont have thick coats for no reason; they have them for protection in the hard weather of the Arctic, and also for camoflage, it would take a lot of snow and temperatues of around minus eighty to get a polar bear shivering.

What age are the polar bears?

well wouldn't you just take the age from when he or she was born and multiple it by 3

Do female polar bears dig?

Yes, the female Polar Bear or "sow" does dig. She will dig to build a den, in big deep snow drifts. The den is usually about the size of a telephone booth, with several small alcoves, where the female may give birth to cubs, if she is pregnant, during the long winter sleep. Females are not the only Polar Bears to take a "winter sleep" or to dig a den. When the temperatures drop and stay constantly low, indicating winter has arrived, all Polar Bears, will make a den, to take a long "winter sleep" in, not to hibernate in. Inside the den, it is about 40 degrees on average, warmer than outside. They are insulated and protected from the extreme temperatures and weather outside. For more details see sites listed below.

Why do polar bears struggle getting food?

There is no harm or decline in the population of seals. Its just that seals usually spend most of their time under the ice sheet in the below freezing temperature of water below. Polar bears have to wait for a long time near the breathing holes that seals make before they get under the ice.When the seals come out to take in air again, the polar bears kill them. Since, they can stay underwater for hours together, it may seem that they are few in number.