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It depends on how advanced the cancer is. If it's caught early it might be treated, but if it's caught late, it's usually fatal, but you can survive all stages

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Q: How long do you have before stomach cancer kills you?
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Is stomach cancer deadly?

cancer are several kind.there is no remedy invented to stop the caner is true.we can prevent Cancer by surgery and other many ways by get the consulting from a good physicien. cancer even it is any kind will kill at it is in the end of the stage.there are many more research ongoing to help the cancer patient.many NGO's are helping to that kind patient to get live some days long.

What two diseases caused by long-term alcoholism?

Heart disease or Sclerosis of the liver or cancer of the mouth or stomach. To name a few.

Can kicking in the stomach cause stomach cancer?

No, kicking in the stomach does not directly cause stomach cancer. Stomach cancer, also known as gastric cancer, typically develops over a long period of time and is influenced by various factors. It is primarily associated with certain risk factors, including: H. pylori Infection: Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is a significant risk factor for stomach cancer. H. pylori infection can lead to chronic inflammation of the stomach lining (gastritis), which, over time, may increase the risk of developing cancer. Diet: A diet high in salt-preserved, smoked, or pickled foods, as well as a low intake of fruits and vegetables, is associated with an increased risk of stomach cancer. Tobacco and Alcohol: Smoking and heavy alcohol consumption can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Family History: A family history of stomach cancer may raise an individual's risk. Previous Stomach Surgery: Certain types of stomach surgery, such as removal of part of the stomach for the treatment of other conditions, can increase the risk of stomach cancer. Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain environmental factors and occupational hazards may contribute to an elevated risk. Physical trauma, such as getting kicked in the stomach, may cause injuries and discomfort but is not a direct cause of stomach cancer. However, if you experience any persistent abdominal pain, discomfort, or unusual symptoms, it is important to seek medical attention to rule out any injuries or underlying health issues. Stomach cancer is relatively rare in many parts of the world, and its exact cause is not always clear. Early detection and management of risk factors, as well as regular medical check-ups, are essential for reducing the risk of stomach cancer. If you have concerns about your risk factors or experience any symptoms related to your stomach or digestive health, it is advisable to consult a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and appropriate guidance.

How long does the food stay in stomach?

If your asking how long does food stay in your stomach before digesting is 4-6 hours. Depending on if your active after eating or not.

How long after drinking before bladder empties?

when you feel a sting in your stomach and you yelp, then it's time when you feel a sting in your stomach and you yelp, then it's time

What are the odds of getting cancer twice?

Likley, if you have had cancer before and fought it off then you may be likely to have it come back not long after. If you've been free of it for a long time then the odds are on your side.

How did Dave Thomas die?

Long battle with liver cancer that he had before his massive heart attack.

What are 3 long terms effects of alcohol on the body?

liver damage loss of brain cells cancer of the throat liver and stomach weakening of your heart alcoholism