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Q: How long do you have to be clear of asthma to join the army?
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You cannot join French army if you are not French

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You have to be a citizen to join the army.

Broken leg surgery join army?

You can indeed join the Army if you have had surgery on your broken leg. This is of course as long as you can still use it to function properly.

I'm 36 am I too old to join the army?

No, 36 is not too old to join the army. The maximum age limit for enlisting in the U.S. Army is typically around 35, but there are waivers available in certain circumstances. It's best to contact a recruiter for specific information about your situation.

When you join German army how long is it?

18 months, your choice of service.......

Can you join the army after knee surgery?

long as your fit and can past the tests

How long must you go to college to be in the army?

you only need a high school diploma to join the army

Can you join the army if you are your mother's first child?

Yes, as long as you are old enough.

Can you become a fighter pilot if you have asthma?

if you have a record of asma past the age of 13 you cannot become a fighter pilot! I was told by the RAF i couldn't join because i had asthma past the age of 4. 2nd Answer The DOD medical regulation for the most part mirror the FAA's FARs, under the FAA you can have asthma (as long as it is controlled) and be authorized to fly. I do know some Army pilots that have been approved to fly even with Asthma; the navy shouldn't be any different. Ask the flight surgeon to submit for a waiver for this condition.

Can you join the military if you had surgery?

History of receiving organ or tissue transplantation is disqualifying per AR 40-501 Ch 2.

Why asthma prevents you from running?

Asthma does not keep you from running; you just cannot run for a very long time. The reason for that is because asthma is a disease where people can't inhale air as easily as people who dont have it. My friend has asthma and she can't run for a long time.

Why dont many barbers join the army?

People who join the military come from varied backgrounds. If you're asking why nobody enlists to be a barber, it's because there aren't Army barbers. It's outsourced, and has been for a long time. Your haircuts are done by civilians.