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Usually once a week or if it starts to smell you can change it.

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Q: How long do you have to wait before you change your hamster bedding?
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How long can you wait to change your hamster's bedding maxiumum?

You can wait for up to a week and a half to change your hamsters bedding or else they will really stink and you could make them sick.

How do you make the bad smell of the cage of a hamster go away?

You'll want to change the bedding at least once weekly. If there are places without bedding, you can wipe with a paper towel. I do this daily in a plastic "condo" that is so small, bedding just won't work in there. My hamsters nest in a small plastic dome (it was intended to be the "outhouse" and so I change the bedding there every other day. I have no smell. Good luck!

How long does it take for a dwarf hamster to finish its beding?

change the cage every 2 weeks and if you use the wrong kind of wood chips then before your hamster dies it will loose all it fur and get cuts and it will get mean p.s. it happened to my first hamster

How long before Syrian hamster babies get fur?

14 days

What is the best kind of bedding to put in a hamster cage?

You should never use pine or cedar bedding for your pet hamster. Cedar bedding is a rough material that can cause splintering, chapped feet and is almost impossible to correctly digest. Worse yet, cedar reacts to urine, causing toxic fumes called phenols to be released as long as it is in contact with the ammonia. While pine may be a bit softer on a hamster's feet, it often goes through a curing process that leaves dangerous chemicals on the product. The best kind of bedding is aspen shavings and carefresh, you can also try using shredded unscented toilet paper.

How long can a newborn hamster go without milk before dying?

A newborn hamster will not go half a day without eating.

What are some safety concerns to keep in mind for nursery bedding?

The material that the bedding is made out of must be soft, so when it is in contact with the baby's skin as they get rashes easily. Another factor to bear in mind is how long you will use the bedding for; a higher quality bedding set will take longer before it needs to be replaced than cheap bedding.

How long does it take before you can tell the gender of a hamster?

tickle its belly to arouse it, then you will see if it has a winky :)

How long is a fancy hamster pregnant before it has babies?

hamsters are usually pregnant for about three weeks

Can hamsters be inside of the house?

Of course! As long as they stay in a cage, they will be fine. You need to change their bedding about twice a week. You should also buy a hamster ball and let them roll around--- Keep them away from the top of the stairs if they are in the ball though! and hold them sometimes just dont let them go they might hide

What do you need to now about a hamster?

what to feed it when to put it in a play ball and when to change the water wood chips and when to wash thier cage how long they live and how long they need to exercize is what you need to now about a hamster and wher to put cage.

How long do y ou wait before holding the hamster after it has babies?

when they can walk and they could open their eyes