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Each medication for chickens has an egg and meat withhold time printed on the label. Check the label, and this will tell you how many days after you stop giving the medication to the chicken you will need to discard the eggs. If you can't find this information, ask your veterinarian for help.

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Q: How long do you have to wait before you eat you can eat eggs that are from a chicken that was eating medicated feed?
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Do you need to wait to eat eggs after you switch from Start and Grow to Layer food?

Not unless the start and grow is medicated. It is best to allow a week completely off the medicated feed before eating the eggs.

What is the benefit of eating peacock eggs over chicken eggs?

The benefit of eating peahen eggs over chicken eggs are that they are larger so you get more egg, they are richer in flavor, and you get more nutrients.

Do Chickens eating eggs effect meat or egg taste?

It is not good if your chicken is eating its own eggs but it should not effect the taste of the meat or eggs. If your chicken is eating its eggs the only way to stop it is to check for eggs more often and try to make sure you pick up the eggs as soon as possible.

What are the uses for chicken?

Eating, producing eggs, having as pets,

How can you tell if it's a chicken egg or a eating egg?

All chicken eggs are eating eggs unless they have been fertilized and incubated. Even then some people eat them and they are call balut. But to answer your question, almost every egg you have eaten is from a chicken since the eggs of other birds are not usually available in stores.

Can you feed your laying hens medictated feed with this in it and can it hurt humans?

Don't eat the eggs of a medicated chicken. Any more of this type of questions, ask your vet.

Do ladybugs eat chicken eggs?

Yes. They really enjoy eating it a lot.

What is a female chicken that has given birth called?

Chickens do not give birth. Chicken reproduce by laying eggs, which are hatched in about 21 days after they are laid. A chicken is called a laying chicken when it is grown for the purpose of laying eggs, as opposed to a frying or eating chicken, which is raised for food.

How long will fresh chicken eggs keep before picking up from the chicken?

2 days

Why in the world are eggs considered breakfast foods?

Think about it. If an egg is basically a chicken, eating an egg for dinner would be like eating a chicken for dinner. But they don't taste the same. Eggs are smaller, and easier to cook. (Faster, too) So why not just have them for breakfast?

How do you use incubating in a sentence?

Incubating the eggs was necessary for their survival.

How many eggs does a chicken have to lay before one can hatch?

There is no certain number of eggs a chicken has to lay before any can hatch. The requirements for an egg hatching are as follows: 1. A rooster to fertilize the eggs. 2. The hen's willingness to sit on the eggs for at least 21 days.