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This is what i found... hope it helps. Because breast augmentation is 'non-essential' surgery, it makes sense to schedule it when all factors that contribute to a good result are in your favour. The breast gland starts to atrophy when it is no longer being stimulated by breastfeeding, and soon reverts to its normal restive state. This may take several weeks, and a minimum period of six months is advisable before considering breast surgery of any kind. Some breasts only reach their final volume after breastfeeding a year or so afterwards. This affects the position of the nipple on the gland, and may have an impact on implant placement and sizing by your surgeon at mybreast. In general it is wise to wait until you believe that your weight and breast size have remained the same for several months before considering a breast augmentation. It is a highly rewarding procedure for 'refilling' breasts that have emptied after breastfeeding, with often spectacular results. The usual recommendation is to wait until all drainage has ceased, and the breast fullness has subsided. This is a variable period in women, but it is best to wait until the true breast volume is evident, and the tissues are back to normal in terms of swelling and firmness.

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Breast enlargement surgery, while not as invasive as other procedures, still requires plenty of recovery time. A patient is not advised to begin exercising until 2-4 weeks after the procedure, depending on if the implant is placed below or above the muscle. The type of exercise they typically are implying would be standard things like yoga, elliptical machine, jogging, etc. With regards to shooting a gun, that depends. Hand gun, should be no issue once you're safe to fully extend your arm and have returned to work. Rifle or shotgun? It would be safe to assume, due to the kick-back, of those style of guns to wait the minimum of 4 weeks and potentially one or two more. Just to be safe and avoid any unnecessary blunt force to the procedure area.

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