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The Lamp goes in your brooder, the eggs go in your incubator.


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Q: How long do you keep a heat lamp over a live chicken egg?
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Can a baby chicken live after being squirted with water?

Yes they can survive this. If they are really wet then dry them off and put them under a heat lamp with food and water plentiful. If kept wet they can develop any number of disease's.

Where can malamutes live?

Anywhere, but if you live somewhere hot, you'll have to watch them and not leave them out too long. We live in Kansas and during the summer, we turn on an AC for them. During the winter, if you have older malamutes, you'll have to keep a close eye on them. We turn on a heat lamp for our old malamutes.

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No! Salamanders can not live in a fish tank, they need to be in a glass enclosure with beathing ventaltion at the top, they also need a heat lamp.

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Not exactly, because they usually need a heat lamp. Also it is sort of gross feeding them live crickets on a daily basis.

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Right now the temperature outside is -25C (-13F) My Cochins are out and wandering in the snow. With a little shelter from the wind and a roost they can survive well below that.. Three days of -40C (-40F) last year with no losses except for eggs. Barred rocks do just as well in cold temperatures. It is always a good idea to keep a (red) heat lamp in the chicken coop at night just to bump up the temperature while they are inactive and roosting.

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In a lamp?

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In a chicken coop/ chicken yard/ barn.they also live in the mountains in NepalChicken coops

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most, your house is heat regulated and have space to keep a dog

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Do you eat a live chicken.

Is using a heating lamp for corn snakes My corn snake seems a lot happier with both heating lamp and pad is that all right?

Using a heating lamp for a corn snake is not a bad thing, however not necessary. As a North American species it is adapted to live at low temperatures during winter and high temperatures during summer. During lower temperatures snakes become less active and can hibernate. The addition of both a heat lamp and heat pad won't harm the snake as long as the snake has a place to go to escape both if it so chooses.

Did aliens have chicken?

No, chicken only live in Earth!!!!!!!!! ------------- And you know this HOW?