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Q: How long does 2- 5 pounds of water weight from ovulation last?
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How do you lose last 10 pounds?

Berries is a great thing to eat to loose weight! (:

Is it fertile during ovulation?

Yes. But the day before your last day of ovulation is the most fertile.

How much weight did William windom lose?

30 pounds in this last year before his death

What was rocky balboa's weight and height in the last rocky movie?

The last Rocky movie was Balboa. Rocky Balboa's weight and height in the movie was 195 pounds and his height was 5ft and 9in.

Can a woman get pregnant on her last days of menstruation?

Yes, the last days of your period can overlap with ovulation.

Are there certain foods to help break a plateau?

According to Shape magazine, there are some foods that may help you lose those last few pounds. Raspberries, lima beans, kefir, and water are described as "superfoods" that help break a weight loss plateau. Exercise and healthy eating are probably the best bets for losing those last five pounds.

I have anorexia and am almost at a healthy weight with 4 pounds left to gain. I feel pretty comfortable at where I am right now but will I look much different when I put the last 4 pounds on?

No, you won't look very much different, especially if the last 4 pounds are muscle. To gain muscle, try doing strength workouts. DO NOT do cardiovascular workouts (like running) if you are trying to gain weight.

Check in luggage size and weight?

I flew from the U.S. to Italy last week. The weight limit on my luggage was 50 pounds each suitcase. If over that amount, you would be charged extra. I suggest you go to your airline website for size and weight restrictions.

What is the average weight of a 5'9 9th grade boy?

The average weight of a 9th grade boy can vary from 110 to 130 pounds. A males weight will be effective by bone size, stature and genetics.

What is Nick Jonas's wieght?

The last known record of Nick's weight was 115 pounds, according to the 2007 Life Story Magazine.

What if your period is August 10 when is your ovulation date?

Before you can calculate your ovulation day, you must first determine, the date of your last period's first day and you need to know your menstrual cycle. This two information is needed in order for you to calculate your ovulation using an ovulation calculator. The date of your period is not enough information, to calculate ovulation.

How much did Elvis Presley weigh?

Elvis weight, as is the case with most people, varied throughout his life. During the 1950's Elvis weight was (approximately) 175 pounds. However, in 1975 and ongoing through his (sadly) death of August 16, 1977 Elvis weight was reported to be (approximately) 250 pounds.In 1955 it was 158 pounds. When he (sadly) died on August 16, 1977 his weight was reported to be (approximately) 263 pounds.