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Q: How long does Jupiter take to rotate its own axis?
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How long does it take for Jupiter to rotate on its own axis?

9hours and 55 minutes

How long does it take for Jupiter to rotate own its own axis?

9hours and 55 minutes

How long does it take Jupiter to rotate around on axis?

it takes ten hours for it to travel around the sun

How long does it take this planet to make one rotation on its axis of Jupiter?

About 9 hours and 50 minutes, is the time for Jupiter to rotate once.

How long does it take for jupiter rotate around its axis one day?

It completes its rotation about every 9.9 hours!

How long does it take for Europa to rotate on its axis?

It takes 85 hours 3½ Earth days for Europa to rotate on its axis. It also takes 85 hours for Europa to complete one orbit around Jupiter.

How low does is take Jupiter to rotate on its own axis?

9 hours and 50 minutes

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how long does it take for Mercury to rotate on its own axis IN ONE DAY

How long does Jupiter take to rotate in a yeaer?

it exactly takes 4,331 earth days for Jupiter to rotate in a year.

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Eris takes approximately 550 Earth years to rotate on its axis.

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when diaz

How long does it take Callisto to rotate on its axis?

16.68 days