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It depends how much you take & how long you've been taking it. Valium has the longest half life out of all the other benzodiapines. It can stay anywhere from 5 days to 2 weeks.

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Q: How long does Valium show up in your urine?
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If you have a prescription for Valium will xanax show up as Valium on a urine drug screen?

Valium and Xanax are both under the class of benzodiazepines which is what they both would show up as on a urine drug screen.

Does Valium show up as other drugs on urine tests?

shows up as a benzo

Will adivan show jup the same as Valium in a urine drug tests?

Having Ativan in your system will cause the result of a urine drug test to show up as positive for benzodiazepines, which is what Valium would do. So yes, they would show up in the same way.

Will Valium show up on a army drug screen?

Yes. Valium (diazepam) is a benzodiazepine. Screening for benzodiazepines is part of almost every urine drug screen. Also, because diazepam is a high-lipophilic molecule, it tends to 'hang out' in fat cells for quite some time, so it can show up in urine tests long after last use.

Do Lortab and Valium show up the same in a urine test?

No. Lortab is hydrocodone, which is an opiate and will show up on an opiate test. Valium is a benzodiazepine and will show up as that on a benzo test. Once again, i am not a pharmacist, nor do i have any pharmacological training, so, be careful out there!

Does Valium show up in a cbc?

No. Valium does not show up in CBC.

Will Valium show up in a drug test after 72 hours?

Yes it will, as Valium has a long 'half life'.

How long does does Valium stay in urine?

Valium can be detected in urine for up to 25 days usually. The length of time it takes for the drug to leave the body depends on a persons age, height, and weight.

Valium is a opiate barbitchuate what does it show up as?

does Valium show up as opiate

Does diazepam show up as an opiate in urine screening?

No. It shows up as a benzo. Valium can be detected in a ua weeks after taking the drug.

If you took 1 Valium 3 weeks before a drug test would it show up in your urine?

no, look at its halflife (how long until half of it is gone from ur body)

How long will Valium show up in urine test?

hi everyone i believe it staya in your system for up to a month approx and can be detcted in your urine for up to one month.......they are also very addictive ....beware very insiduous in the way they work...........short term use advisable