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Q: How long does a 2100 mAH battery last?
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Can you replace an 860 mah with a 2000 mah battery?

No reason why not. So long as the physical size of the battery matches, and the voltage it delivers is the same - you should be able to replace it with the higher mAh battery.

How long will a 350 mah battery last compared to a 200 mah?

1 hour max

How long does a 2150 mAh battery last?

What's up out there? My question is how much time will a 2160 mah battery give me on my camcorder?

What is the difference between 800 mAH and 700 mAH?

These figures represent capacities of use for batteries. If a device uses 50 mA an hour on a 800 mAH battery, the device would operate for 16 hours before depleting the battery. If the same device was connected to a 700 mAH battery, the device would operate for 14 hours before depleting the battery.

How long does a 5000mAh battery last?

If you divide the 5000 mAh by the current used (in mA), you will get the number of hours the battery will last.

How long does a 2000 mah battery last?

That depends on the amount of power being drained from it.

How long does a 1000 MAH backup battery last On an iPod touch?

1 hours

How long psp battery 1800 mAh last?

It lasts 8hours

How long will a 6600 mAH laptop battery last when fully charged?

About 11 minutes

Can you replace landscaping lights with a 2450 mAh battery when is has a 600 mAh battery in it?

Yes as long as both the 2450 mAh battery and 600 mAh battery have the same voltage. The larger one will just last longer and take longer to charge up (I am assuming these are the solar powered type lights).

What happens if you use different mAh batteries in electronics?

The battery with the larger mAh rating will last longer that the battery with the smaller mAh number will last in the same application.

How long does 6600 mah battery last?

up to 5 hours max depending on laptop battery consumption rate