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Generally, the child must have lived with you for more than half the year. If a child was born or died during the year and lived with you (or in the hospital) while alive, you can treat the child as having lived with you all year. If the child was kidnapped, you can treat the child as still living with you.

If the parents were divorced or separated, then the rules take several pages to explain. If you are really interested, see page 13 of Publication 501:

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Q: How long does a child have to live with you to claim them?
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Can one person claim head of household and another claim the dependent child?

Yes but you must be able to claim them even though you gave up the dependency. The child must live with you all year.

Can you claim an adult child as a dependent?

As long as they meet the qualifying child or relative tests, yes.

Can a parent claim a child on their income tax if the child is in prison?

If the child lived with you for over 50% of the year (183 out of 365 days) then yes, you can claim the child as a dependent on your tax return, even if they don't live with you now.

Who can claim a qualifying child for the EIC after divorce is not specified in divorce agreement?

The child that the child actually lives with for most of the year can claim the EIC on the child. If the divorce agreement specifies that a non-custodial parent can claim the child on his or her taxes, it does not mean that he or she can claim the EIC on the child. EIC is not granted in court orders. To claim EIC, you must pass the age, relationship, and residency requirements. If the child does not actually live with the non-custodial parent for most of the year than the non-custodial parent may NOT claim the child.

If a child lives with one parent can the other parent who does not live in the same home claim that same child?

Not on taxes no. The parent the child lives with has the main right to claim the child. But if that parent can't or doesn't want to then the other parent can

Can you claim an adult child that does not live with you if you pay at least half of their expenses?

Yes if you pay over half of the child support.

Your girlfriend and her child live with you Can you claim head of household and also the child?

over the house yes, over the child...maybe not so much.. specially if the child is not yours.

How long can parents claim children on income tax?

until the child is 18

Would the father in a commonlaw relationship claim the child on taxes?

As long as you can prove paternity (if needed) and you provide for the child, you can.

What can a grandparent claimfor a child 15 who does not live with her and mother does not claim income tax disabled. father does not work disabled?

If she doesn't live in your household, nothing. If she lives with you, you can probably claim her as a dependant.

In my 2005 divorce decree-my ex-can claim my daughter. Today I was reading over P501-it states I can also claim my child for eic,child care. My 2 children live with me(holiday/vac),i receive support-the rest its me.As headofhousehold can i claim her as we?

You can not both claim her. If he stops claiming her then you can.

How long can non-custodial father claim child on taxes?

If he has no taxable expenses in the child then he cant claim on tax.