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Well, most vets would probably say 1-2 weeks after the due date, but it really boils down to what the cow looks like at the time. There are many factors that play into a late birth, sometimes the calf is backwards or upside down - it might take longer to ease itself into the birth canal. If this is the case, usually the pregnant cow is not affected. But if the cow is not eating, or if it walks slowly, or shows unusual behavior, then something might be preventing the calf coming out. If that is the case, I'd call your vet to see if what they say about it.

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It depends on the cow. A cow may have anywhere from 0 to 28 days of lactation before calving.

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Q: How long does a cow have milk before calving?
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Will a cow's udder swell and contract before calving?

The udder will only swell, the cow is dropping her milk into the milk cisterns in the udder for the calf to suckle.

Does a cow eat before calving?

Yes, always.

Why is milk not used when it is taken from the cow after calving?

The first milk that comes from a cow right after calving is not suitable for human consumption. It's gathered from the cow and saved for the calves that have been taken from their moms and fed to them via the bottle. The first milk is called colostrum, which is important for a newborn calf's health and survival.

What is a long bred cow?

A cow that is close to calving, and is far along in her gestation period.

What is freshening a cow?

A cow that is very close to calving or which calving is imminent.

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In terms of what, quantity of milk? Butterfat? Milking ability? Temperament? Calving ease? Please be more specific.

What would cause a cow to not give milk after having a calf?

A cow SHOULD be producing milk after calving, since this is the kind of liquid that calves have to live off of for the next few months of their lives, or until they are weaned. All cows HAVE to produce milk after they've calved, no exceptions, no matter if they're a beef cow or a dairy cow. However, a cow that is not producing milk after calving is a cow that could be malnourished (being too thin) and doesn't have the reserves to produce enough milk for her calf, or she's too fat, with too much fat deposits in the udder that are hindering milk production. Or, that cow is not being fed proper nutrition, and this is also causing her to not be lactating properly after birth. You will have to bottle-feed the calf until either the cow has been fed adequate nutrition enough to help her with proper milk production, or until he's old enough to be weaned while you put the cow on the cull list and give her a one-way ticket to the salebarn.

What is parturition called for a cow?


What do you do before you milk?

make sure it's a cow before you milk it

What is a breaching cow?

A breaching cow could mean a cow that is calving out a backwards calf.

How long does it take for a cow to start giving milk before she calves?

A cow will start to develop milk secretion cells about 6 months into pregnancy, however, she will start to let her milk down into the milk cisterns and into the teats about two days before she is ready to calve.

How long should you wait to pull a calf after its foot appears?

Don't wait. This is a good time to put on the calving chains and start pulling. Make sure the cow is secured in a head gate first, though, before you latch on the calving chains on the calf.