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Cats do not get periods; they come into heat. Kittens usually have their first season around 6-7 months old, but sometimes can be as early as 4 months old. A cat in heat will become much more affectionate with everything she comes across, she will wail day and night and will often attempt to escape outside at every opportunity she sees in order to find a mate. Females cats in heat will also spray vertical surfaces in the house in order to attract a mate.

If not spayed, a female cat will come into season at 15-21 day intervals, and each will last approximately 7-10 days.

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12y ago

longer than a male because GIRLS ROOL BOYS DROOL

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11y ago

Cat's heat cycle usually lasts 3 to 5 days.

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13y ago

Usually 7-10 days.

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Q: How long does the heat cycle last in a female cat and what to do to help?
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A dog's heat cycle is 3 weeks. It does not matter what breed or size of dog it is, they all have the same length for their heat, which is 3 weeks.

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it can happen. This has even happened with females who were fixed. However, a female dog MAY still be in heat even if she is no longer bleeding. Heat cycles usually last 3 weeks. Be sure to keep the female away from any intact males for her entire cycle

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Females go into heat every five to nine months. So five to nine months after her last heat she will go into heat. The litter should not affect her next heat cycle.

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Hi I am awering your question about a female's menstal cylcle. A female's menstal cycle should last about a week up to two weeks (7-14 days).

How long does the canine menstral cycle last?

My dogs first heat cycle lasted about 4 weeks.

How long does a dog's menstruation last?

It last for 3 weeks,by the 2nd week she will bleed and by 3rd week she will want to be with a male, its called flagging, she will lift her tail and move it to the side so the male can get to her easy.

Your female basset is in day 9 of her cycle and is ready to mate but the male will not perform what can you do?

Wait. Most female dogs have a heat cycle that last about three weeks. Often they are not in standing heat until the later part of the cycle. The male will not waste his time trying to breed her if she is not ready to be bred. Dogs have been reproducing for thousands of years; often the best thing we humans can do is to stand aside and let nature take it's course.

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i have a female 2 year old Chihuahua . i have found that it has been nearly two weeks for her cycles to run their course. but thankfully it is only every 6 months and is like clockwork.

How long does female cats stay in heat?

If your female cat does not mate, she will go into oestrus as often as every two to three weeks, for several months each year, until she either mates or is spayed. Cats as young as 4 months old can go into the heat cycle, and they should be spayed as soon as possible unless they are pedigreed and you wish to breed from them. If spaying is not immediately possible then your vet may be able to give her hormones to stop the cycle. After all, the cycle is extremely uncomfortable for her, even if it does not inconvenience you. Your cat will be in heat for one or two days, but won't really come all the way out of it until you have her spayed.