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so that they can follow people they look up to

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Q: How long does a fourteen year old go on twitter?
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As long as you want as long as the 14 year old is responsible.

Is it wrong for a fourteen year old to date a seventeen year old?

no not at all as long as your under 18

How long should you sleep each night if your fourteen?

A fourteen year old should get nine hours of sleep each night.

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Is 13 old enough to be on Twitter?

Twitter is just as safe as any other site that is suitable for all ages. As long as no important information is given out, Twitter is okay even for a 13-year-old.

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What happens if the cops find out that a nineteen year old is dating a fourteen year old?

as long as u havent gotten married or had sex, then nothing bad.

How long does it take the average fourteen year old to ejaculate during sex?

14 year olds should not be having sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can a fourteen year old work as a paralegal?


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How many hours can a fourteen year old do?

Your question has to say WHAT the fourteen year old is doing, not just ask how many hours, in order for someone to answer it.

Can a sixteen year old male date a fourteen year old female?

Of course.