

How long does a goldfish last in cold water?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How long does a goldfish last in cold water?
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Water lilies can last a long time and require little maintenance. They live in the water and pond. As long as the water does not get too cold and ice it will be fine.

What will happen if you put a goldfish with a betta fish?

Nothing spectacular and nothing fast. They will not fight!! If the water is too warm (Bettas are tropical) the goldfish will have its metabolism racing and won't live long. If the water is cold and suits the goldfish then the Betta will slow down and eventually its organs will stop working and it will die.

Can you put goldfish into a tropical tank?

Goldfish are coldwater fish, not tropical fish, and they prefer to live in coldwater. Higher temperature water contains lower dissolved oxygen levels thus making it harder for the goldfish to breath.

Is goldfish warmblooded?

Nope. Goldfish are Cold Blooded, which allows them to survive during the winter in nearly frozen lakes. They do prefer relatively warm water and their metabolism will slow down if they are in cold water long enough. Most indoor tank temperatures are just fine for fish. A water heater can be used during winter or if the room temperature is especially chilly.

How long could a goldfish live in a water with a not suitable temperature?

well, not long. i had a goldfish and it died in like 8 hours.

Can you combine a guppy with a goldfish?

No. Generally, fish cannot breed across different species. Also, guppies cannot tolerate water temperature changes that goldfish can, so they would not last long in the same tank.

How can you tell black moors apart?

they are black that have long flowing fins and bulging eyes simaliar to a telscopic goldfish the most not be kept with common or comet goldfish they also are visually impared ! overall they are a beautiful and playful breed of cold water fish!!!

How long can a fancy goldfish be out of water?

Depends on whether you want it to die or not

How long do 25 cent goldfish last?

till its eaten by some thing bigger

Is north Atlantic sea cold?

Yes, if you were in the water with no thermal protection, you would not last very long at all.

Can a goldfish survive in shallow water?

Not for very long. Since goldfish are extremely high waste producers, a smaller body of water would slowly kill them due to the toxins and lack of oxygen in the water.

Can someone give me an estimate of how long a black moor goldfish would live in a bowl?

It's cruel to keep any type of fish in a goldfish bowl . So don't even try please . Fish that can live with Moors. Guppies (only if there is a heater in the tank) Common goldfish or shubinkin . And any other cold water fish and livebears