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Q: How long does a leafcutter live?
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Do leafcutter bees live alone?

no they live with a family.

When was Texas leafcutter ant created?

Texas leafcutter ant was created in 1860.

How fast is a leafcutter ant?


Where do leafcutter ants live?

Leaf cutter ants live in subterranean colonies, where they have chambers that contain their fungus gardens. They forage above ground to cut leaves to bring back to the colony to cultivate more fungus. These ants are native to Central and South America but there are some species that can be found as far North as Texas in the United States.

Where are leafcutter ants found?

they are found in the amazon ground

Is there any information about leafcutter ants?

If you get to close to them they will eat your eyeballs.

What does the leafcutter ant Carrie to its nest?

Pieces of green leaf.

Ants that eat fungus?

there are leafcutter ants!

What are Little farmers?

Leafcutter ants tending fungus "garden" - the fungus grows on the leaf material.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Leafcutter Moths?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Incurvariidae.

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Vallisneria leafcutter?

The accepted scientific name is Parapoynx obscuralis.

What is the scientific name for the Lepidoptera known as the Watermilfoil leafcutter?

The accepted scientific name is Parapoynx allionealis.