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My Father, granted was 74 years old. He went into the hospital with what we originally were told was phnemonia, only to find out three days later that he had this horrible cancer. We were told he had less than three months to live, my Dad, went into the hosptial June07 and passed away at a palliative care home June 25 of this year.

Dad, R.I.P, LOVE YOU! xx

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13y ago

For most cancers, stage 4 means that you barely have a year to live. Doctors often give you 8 months, give or take.

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How long can your dad live with stage 4 liver cancer?

Let to God decide,how many days.Only prayers are good in this stage

How many different stages are there of colon cancer?

There is a short answer to this question and lots of long answers. The short answer is, there are 4 stages of cancer. In general, stage I cancer is confined to a small area of the body, stage II is a larger cancer and may have started spreading to nearby lymph nodes, stage III may involve more nearby lymph nodes or tissues that are close by, and stage IV has spread to far areas of the body. Each type of cancer has it's own criteria to decide what the stage is; for example, a person with a cancer of the tongue will have different staging criteria than a person with colon cancer. There is no Stage V. Many types of cancer staging also have "a" or "b" added to give additional information. These letters can mean different things depending on what type of cancer is described. A person with stage IV cancer is not necessarily on the verge of death. If the cancer has spread (metastasized) to one isolated area it may be treated with surgery, radiation, chemotherapy or a combination of those. If a person with breast cancer has a single area of spread to a bone, say in the pelvis, that area could be radiated and that person could live for several years before another spot of cancer shows up. However, a person with stage IV cancer and has a heavy load of cancer, say for instance in the liver, lungs, spine, brain, may become severely ill and pass away in a relatively short amount of time. The best thing to do is to ask your doctor about your particular stage. There are so many cancer types and so many people that the possibilities are widely varying in how well a person will do.

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What is the life expectancy for someone with untreated pancreatic cancer?

Varies a lot from person to person. Can be as little as a few days/weeks to a year. Over one year is rare, but does happen. My Mother In Law was 78 when diagnosed with stage IVB cancer and was given 2 to 4 weeks due to her overall age and health.

What is the lfe expectancy of primary bowel cancer and secondary spine cancer?

Colon cancer that has spread to the spine is considered metastatic disease or stage IV cancer. The 5 year survival rate for stage IV colon cancer is 5%. This means that on average only 5% of people will live for 5 years with the disease.