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Q: How long does a recession last before it becomes a depression?
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Was the great depression the only depression to affect the US?

Once we finish this "recession" we will be calling the last few years the "Greater Depression".

How the recession last for?

Depends on how long were going to sit here and watch it happen and not do anything about it.

Peak (business cycle)?

the last month and quarter of growth before the recession starts

What is the meaning of the word recession?

Recession means period of general economic decline, defined usually as a contraction in the GDP for six months (two consecutive quarters) or longer. Marked by high unemployment, stagnant wages, and fall in retail sales, a recession generally does not last longer than one year and is much milder than a depression. Although recessions are considered a normal part of a capitalist economy, there is no unanimity of economists on its causes.

When will this recession end?

Nobody for sure,but I don't think it will last too long.Let's say maximum about 5 to 10 years for all of the countries out of it.And then still need a few extra years for countries back to the original economical state before the recession.

How long did the recession of 1930 last?

It lasted 10 years and only ended when World War 2 started and caused a huge jump in industrial activity. The World was slowly coming out of the great depression in 1939 but the war ended it.

How long does depression last?

If left untreated, depression can last your entire life. If you are treated properly, may just last a couple of years. Depression is not something that you can just get over quickly.

When was the last depression?


What are the Effects of recession on computer industry?

The World Economic Slowdown has meant that projects that were meant to finish already were cancelled, people who thought they a secure future suddenly found themselves out of work, for example. Sounds like a depression to me. Sure feels like one. Especially as I predict it is likely to last well over a decade no matter what anyone tries to do. I hope it doesn't need a war to end it like the last depression.

How long does the average recession last?

"If one looks at historical numbers of the past US recessions, the country faced a recession anywhere between 8-16 months. In 2000-01, it faced 8 months of recession, in 1990-91 about 8 months, and 1981-82 about 16 months. Historically, that is how long recession has lasted." "Some people in the US say it could last for 3-4 quarters...This recession is compared to that of 2000-01 and 1969-70" SOURCE:

How long has America been in the recession?

the last recession began in march of 2001 and ended in November 2001.

How long will the current recession last?