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Q: How long does beef jerky last if it is dry canned?
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Why was beef jerky eaten on the Oregon Trail?

Beef jerky was eaten because it was good for long periods of time and didn't spoil.

How long can you live off of beef jerky?

500 years.

How long does beef jerky last past best by date?

If done correctly, beef jerky should contain no water at all. Therefore it has no water molecules for mold or other bacteria to grow. It will last until eaten. Store bought jerky has other oils and additives added so they have a bacteria potential and the life span is the expiration date.

What cut of beef is beef jerky made from?

Jerky is also called jerked meat, jerky is meat (usually beef) that is cut into long, thin strips and dried (traditionally by the sun). Jerky was a popular staple with early trappers, just as it is with today's backpackers because it keeps almost indefinitely and is light and easy to transport. It's quite tough and salty but is very flavorful and high in protein. It is made of horses meat duh!!

How long do canned vegetables last?

Canned vegetables can last quite a long time if canned properly. Vegetables that have been canned can last for as many as 3-5 years if stored correctly.

How long does it take to make beef jerky?

Instead of giving you a long drawn out answer, I will provide you with a link to the information., go to the How Jerky is Made link on the left side of the page to find out everything you need to know about storing it safely away. Hopefully this helped. Peace.

How long does canned meat stay fresh?

Canned beef is good for a minimum of 5 years. However if it is stored in a cool, dry place you can stretch it for a few more years.

How long can canned corn last?

Commercially canned corn should last up to three years.

How long do you cook ground venison in dehydrator?

y0u don't cook beef jerky in a dehydrator you dehydrate it for 4 - 15 hours usually Dehydrating is still cooked beef. Beef jerky can be "dehydrated" in the oven too which is just "cooking" the jerky until it is dried out enough to be called jerky and be kept for an extended period of time out of refrigeration. I have made jerky for years and have tried both methods. It usually takes about 8 hours.

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Yes and i dont give

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How long do you marinate beef jerky?

To marinate beef brisket, you should use dried chanterelle mushrooms, tomato paste, cranberry sauce, onions, and simple spices like salt and pepper obviously.