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It is estimated that one in ten adults have experienced clinical depression, while most people will experience some form of depression at least once during the course of their life.

Clinical depression is usually diagnosed by an observation/self-report of symptoms over a time-span. For example, if you have a depressed mood every day or almost every day, lose interest in all or most pleasurable activities, endure significan weight loss or gain, sleep excessively or are unable to sleep, have slowed thinking or movement, have fatigue or low energy nearly every day, feel worthless or inappropriately guilty, feel loss of concentration or indecisiveness, or experience recurring thoughts of death or suicide, all are symptoms of depression.

If you experience at least five or more of these symptoms for more than two consecutive weeks, you may have clinical depression.

If you are feeling suicidal, please dial 1-800-suicide immediately, and seek assistance.

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What is mild depression?

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