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How long does duncan plan to stay at macbeths castle

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Alyssa Garcia

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Mush romrom

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One night

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The answer is in the book you fool

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yall play valorant??

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Q: How long does duncan plan to stay in MacBeth's home?
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What plan does Macbeths not reveal to lady Macbeths?

Macbeth does not reveal his plan to kill Banquo and Fleance (Banquo's son) to Lady Macbeth.

What is lady Macbeths plan for killing the king?

Lady Macbeth's plan is that Macbeth should do all the killing and she should do all the nagging and gloating. She gets Duncan's guards drunk, and puts their daggers in Duncan's room so Macbeth can sneak in, take the guards' daggers, stab Duncan, wipe the blood all over the guards and leave the knives in their hands, then come down and meet with her. All does not go according to plan however, as Macbeth comes down after stabbing Duncan with the daggers in his hands. Lady M then tries to nag him into going back and doing the wiping and leaving the daggers there but he won't and she has to do it herself.

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Lady Macbeth advised Macbeth to ignore his conscience and continue with their plan to kill King Duncan, even if he could not say amen after his prayers. She believed that their ambition was more important than moral guilt.

How do the murders plan to implicate Duncan's grooms?

Lady Macbeth wants to use their daggers to stab Duncan and then smear them with Duncan's blood. When Macbeth fails to do this, she does it herself.

How did MacBeth plan to murder Duncan?

Killing him in his sleep. Scandalous!

What strategies does lady Macbeth use to change Macbeths mind about assassinating duncan?

She questions his manhood. Assaults his courage and brags about that if she made a vow to do something, she would follow through and not step down to being a coward. In this way, Macbeth finally sees things her way and thus makes him change his mind to go through with the plan.

What is lady macbeths plan to kill the king?

Get the guards drunk, stab the king, frame the guards.

Why isn't Macbeth guilty for killing king duncan?

He is totally guilty. You might say that Lady Macbeth is guilty for conning him into it, or the witches are guilty for making the prophecy that starts the Macbeths thinking about becoming king and queen, but Macbeth must take responsibility in the end for going along with the murder plan, even if it made no sense, and he knew it made no sense, to do so.

What was lady macbeth plan to make the prophecies to come true sooner?

The Prophecy says Macbeth will be king. Duncan is king. Macbeth cannot be king while Duncan is king. Duncan will not be king when he is dead. Therefore, make Duncan dead.

Why did Macbeth kill the chamberlins?

Macbeth killed the chamberlains because he wanted to frame them for the murder of King Duncan. By placing the bloody daggers on them, Macbeth hoped to divert suspicion away from himself and Lady Macbeth.

How do lady Macbeth and Macbeth plan to kill king Duncan?

Get the guards drunk and stab the king in his bed. It's not a complicated plan.