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Q: How long does earth take to revovle around the sun?
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How long does it take the Earth to completely revovle around the Sun?

365 and a quarter days

How long does it take for mercury to revovle around the sun in earth years?

88 days, which is about 0.2 years.

How much time does Earth take to revovle around the Sun?

A year, 365 days. 366 days on a leap year. Seriously? Did you just really ask this?

How much time does it take for the earth to revovle around the sun?

it takes about 27.3 days to revolve half way around the sun

How long does it take the moon to revovle around earth?

It takes our moon about 27.3216 average earth days to complete an orbit of the Earth. However, due to the Earth's progress in its orbit of the sun during that time, it takes an additional 2.2 days to get to the same phase, or position with respect to the sun, as when the orbit started.

How many days does it take mercury to revovle around the sun?

It takes Mercury 88 days to revolve around the sun.

How long does it take for earth to revolve around the earth?

it takes a year for the earth to revovle that is what makes up a year

How long does Earth take to revolution around the sun take?

The earth revolves around the sun every 365 days.

How long does Earth's moon take to revolt around the Earth?

seu viado

How long does it take the moon to take a revolution around the earth?

27.32 days

How long does it take the earth to travel once around the world?

Well the earth cannot travel around the world being as they are the same thing. However, if you meant how long does it take the earth to travel around the sun then the answer would be about 365.25 days.

How long does it take for the moon to around the earth?

27.2 days