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Jupiter's orbit takes 4331.6 days approx.

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Q: How long does it take Jupiter to revolve around the sun in days?
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How long does Jupiter revolve in one day?

4,332 days

How long does the planet Jupiter take to revolve in revolution around the sun?

The planet Jupiter takes 4,332.71 days to orbit the Sun. That's 11.86 years.

How long does it take for Jupiter to revolve around the sun?

12 years

How long would a planet take to revolve around the sun if it was an inner planet in between Mars and Jupiter?

If the planet was exactly in between Mars and Jupiter, it would take 3645.029 days.

How long does it take Jupiter to revolve around the sun in earth days?

Jupiter revolves or orbits around the sun once every 11.86 Earth years, or once every 4,330.6 Earth days. Jupiter travels at an average speed of 29,236 miles per hour or 47,051 kilometers per hour in its orbit around the sun.

What is Jupiter's shape of orbit and how long does it take to revolve around the sun?

2 years

How long does it for Jupiter to rotate and revolve around the sun?

9.8 hours and 12 years

How long is one day on Ganymede?

Jupiter's Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system. It takes exactly the same amount of time to rotate on its axis as it does to revolve around Jupiter, which is a little over 7 days.

Does the sun revolve around the earth why and how long?

No, the earth revolves around the sun. it takes 365 days to completely revolve around it.

How long does the moon revolve around the earth?

about 30 days :)

How long does it take to revolve around the sun and how long is one year?

365.24 days is roughly how long it takes the Earth to revolve around the Sun. For convenience we use a "year" of 365 days with" leap years" of 366 days.

How long does it take the earth to revolve?

It takes 365 1/4 days to revolve around earth.