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Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates on its axis, and it revolves around the Sun, just as all the other planets do.

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Q: How long does it take Mars to rotate around the earth?
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How long does it take mars to rotate around the world?

Mars does not rotate around the Earth. It rotates around the Sun, just like all the other planets/

How long does it take for Mars to rotate around the sun?

687 earth days

What is mars diameter and how long does it take to go around the sun?

Mars takes about 687 earth days to rotate around the Sun

How long does it take mars to make a full rotation around the sun?

Mars does not rotate around the Sun. It revolves around the Sun. It takes Mars about 687 Earth days for Mars to revolve once around the Sun.Planets and moons rotate about their own axes, but they revolve around the Sun (for planets) or (for moons) other planets.

How many days does Mars rotate?

A year on Mars is 687 Earth days long.

How long it takes the mars to rotate the sun?

687 earth days

How long does it take for mars to rotate on its axis in earth time?


Why are you half your age on mars?

Mars takes longer to rotate around the sun than Earth. Since it takes Mars almost twice as long as earth to make a rotation around the sun, you are half your age. Less rotations, less years

How long are mars days to rotate around the sun?

About the sam as earths

How long does it take for Mars to rotate in comparison to Earth?

Mars rotates on its axis once in 24.6229 hours, while Earth does that in 23.9345 hours. So Mars has a day about 30 minutes shorter than Earth.

How long would it take for mars to roatate on its axis?

It would take 24 hours and 37 minuets for mars to rotate once. It would take 687 days for mars to rotate around the sun. -Rachel Hagara

How long does it take to make the sun rotate around earth?

The Sun does not rotate around the Earth, nor does the Earth rotate around the Sun. The Earth revolves around the Sun each year, and each body rotates about its own axis: once a day for the Earth, once in about 25 days for the Sun.