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Alpha Centauri is the nearest star to us not including the sun.

Which is approx 4.3 light years away.

How long would it take to reach this star from earth.

It depends how fast you are traveling.

At the speed of light, called 'c', which is approx, 186,000 miles pers second!

Or approx 670, 000, 000 per hour!

If you travelled at this speed for 4.3 years then you would get there.

1 light year is approx 5,878,630,000,000 miles. ( 5.8 trillion miles) So times that by 4.3 and that is your distance.

If you ran at about 10km per hour it would work out to about 6.7 miles and hour, (a very rough ball park, approx).

Therefore it would mean that your running is 100, 000, 000 times slower than than the speed of light and therefore it would take you 430 000 000 years to run there.

What about the run back? And I think you would get tired and die of old age by then.

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14y ago
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10y ago

Like any other trip, the time required would depend on your speed of travel.

Here is the time required for several averagespeeds (not counting time to

speed up to it or slow down from it):

  • Speed of light . . . 42 years
  • Speed of sound . . . 36.7 million years
  • Driving, 70 mph . . . 401.2 million years
  • Walking, 4 mph . . . 7 billion years
  • 1 million mph . . . 28,147 years
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13y ago

If you start walking right now, you can walk for the rest of your life and never get off the Earth. And no spacecraft currently in existence can carry you further away than Mars, or perhaps Jupiter.

IF - and that's an enormous "if" - IF there were some critically important reason why we needed to send a probe to the Alpha Centauri system, and IF we devoted all of our attention and treasure to do so, we could probably launch an unmanned probe to Alpha Centauri (4.5 light years away, and just beyond Proxima Centauri at 4.2LY) by 2025, and the probe might arrive within 50 years. If we spent another 15 years developing the technology, we could probably make the trip in half the time.

If the requirement were to send living people there, and have a chance that someone would still be alive upon arrival, then it would take at least 50 years to develop the spacecraft, and probably 100+ years enroute. It ought to be possible to do with an Orion nuclear pulse rocket design.

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14y ago

About 4.36 light years

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About 3.785 x 1013 kilometers

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