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That depends on (a) the size of the ice-cube, (b) the temperature of the water, and (c) the surrounding temperature.

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2w ago

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt in water depends on factors such as the temperature of the water, the size of the ice cube, and the number of ice cubes. On average, a small ice cube will melt in a few minutes in room temperature water.

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Q: How long does it take a ice cube to melt in water?
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How long would it take a regular sized ice cube to melt?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt depends on the temperature of its surroundings. In a room temperature environment, a regular sized ice cube may take around 10-20 minutes to completely melt.

How much energy does it take to melt a 16.87 g ice cube?

It takes about 334 J/g to melt ice. So, to melt a 16.87 g ice cube, you would need about 5635.58 J of energy.

How long does it take for an ice cube to melt in a paper cup?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt in a paper cup can vary based on factors such as the size of the ice cube, the temperature of the environment, and the thickness of the paper cup. Generally, it can take about 10-20 minutes for a standard ice cube to melt in a paper cup at room temperature.

Why does an ice cube melt at rom temp?

An ice cube melts at room temperature because the air in the room is warmer than the ice cube, transferring heat energy to the ice cube and causing the ice to melt into water. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles in a substance, so the heat transfer causes the ice particles to gain enough energy to break free from their solid lattice structure and become liquid water.

What melts faster tap water ice cube or bottled water ice cubes?

Tap water ice cubes typically melt faster than bottled water ice cubes because tap water often contains more impurities and dissolved minerals, which can lower the freezing point of the water. Bottled water is typically filtered and purified, resulting in a higher freezing point and slower melting rate for the ice cubes.

Related questions

How long does it take an ice cube to melt in hot salt water?

It depends on how hot the water is

How long does it take to melt a full ice cube under hot water?

It takes exactly 14.0 seconds to melt a full ice cube under hot water.

How long will it take to melt an ice cube if in hot water?

The depends on the mass of ice, stirring and other factors.

How long to test the time taken for an ice cube to melt?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt can vary depending on factors like temperature, size of the ice cube, and environment. To conduct a proper experiment, you could set up a controlled environment, record the starting time, and monitor the ice cube until it completely melts to determine the elapsed time. This experiment may take around 10-30 minutes for a typical ice cube to melt at room temperature.

How long does it take to melt ice cube with ice melt?

that depends on the size of the ice cube, how much salt, and the ambient temperature.

How long does it take a single ice cube to melt?

depends on the ambient temperature

How long does it take to an ice cube with and without salt?

It takes less time to melt the ice cube with salt.

How long does it take ice cubes to melt in a glass on the counter?

it would probably take about five minutes for the ice cube to actually melt

How long does an ice cube take to melt?

The time it takes for an ice cube to melt can vary depending on factors such as the temperature of its surroundings, the size of the ice cube, and the material it is made from. On average, a small ice cube in a room temperature environment may take around 5-10 minutes to melt completely.

How long does it take a ice cube to melt?

That really depends on the temperature of the room it's in.

How long does it take the sun to melt an ice cube?

depends, weather it is morning in afternoon

How long does it take for an ice cube to melt on wood?

it depends on the temperature inside or outside