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it depends on the temperature inside or outside

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Q: How long does it take for an ice cube to melt on wood?
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If ice is place on wood how long will it take to melt?

It would take longer because wood is an insulator, but it all depends on how much energy is absorbed by it's surroundings. If it's warm out, more energy can be used to melt the ice, if it is colder, then vice versa. If it is below freezing outside, then obviously it won't melt.

Why does wood melt?

Wood doesn't melt.

Does wood melt ice?

unless the wood is hot/warm, it most likely not melt the ice.

Does wood or silver melt or burn faster?

You cannot melt wood, You cannot burn silver, within the above.

How long does it take for wood to freeze?

wood doesnt freeze

What material does not melt at any temperature?

sodium chloride

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Is it possible for a wooden log to melt?

it is because wood is hard and will never melt so the answer is no

Can wood be use to melt copper?


What makes ice melt faster Granitemetalor wood?

Salt makes Ice Melt Faster

How long does it take wood to mold?

2 days

How long does it take to get to wild wood?

down south