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Q: How long does it take an oak tree to get to 30metres?
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How long does oak tree take to grow?

about 200 years

How long does it take for an oak tree take to grow to full maturity?

2 years

How long is the growth of a oak tree from a acorn to a mature tree?

About 10 years i think but i could be wrong... An oak tree, depending on variety,can take 2 to 300 years to reach maturity.

Why do oak trees have oak balls on them?

the balls on the tree is the nut [ seed] that i one day going to tern into a oak tree but it will take it a long time for it to be like the tree it came from ps.. never it the balls you see on a oak tree

What kind of tree does a long eared owl live in?

oak tree

Is oak a tree or shrub?

The oak (there are several species) is usually grown as a long-lived, hardwood tree. If oak is growing in a mixed hedge, annual hedge cutting will force the oak to grow more like a shrub.

How long can a oak tree live with out water?

Not very long

How long does it take to cut 3000 oak longs in RS?

It depends upon your tree cutting skill. If it is high, it will take some time, but not as long as if your skill was low.

How long is a oak tree?

It is about 60000 inches long(20 feet)

How do you take an oak tree cutting?

Oak trees will not grow from cuttings they grow from seed or are grafted.

How long does it take for oak to mature?

It depends on weather, but it takes several years for an oak tree to decompose after it is cut. If the weather is moist it won't take as many years as it will if the weather is dry.

Is a tree a produceer?

Trees are producer by how their seeds flies around. Take an oak tree seed. Animals find these seeds and they buried it somewhere where it can grow into an oak tree.