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it cant:P

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Q: How long does it take for a bad piercing job to heal?
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It depends on how severe the injuries are.

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Depending on how bad the sores are. If they have detroyed tissue, it will take over a week or two to heal. Small ones that just rub off the hair can heal in a couple of days.

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it depends on how bad of a break it is, and if the wing needs to be "set" if the break is too bad, it may never heal properly, even if seen by a vet.

How long does it take for joints to heal?

I think it depends on how bad it is pulled or hurt but I think rest will help.

Will your belly button piercing look bad if you let it heal and repierce it?

There will be more scar tissue than normal, but otherwise no.

How long does it take a broken pinky to heal?

Depends how bad usually a few days to a week

How long will your pinky take to heal after a sprain?

It would be two weeks before it heals and if it is a really bad sprain it wounld take three weeks.

How long does it take for a kittens nose to heal after bumping into metal?

The amount of time for a kittens nose to heal after getting injured on metal will depend on the severity of the injury. Usually, if the injury was not bad, the nose should heal within a week.

Can you take out a new belly button piercing?

You can, of course. But it's usually better to let it heal around the ring first and then take it off so the scarring isn't as bad. If you want help with it, go back to the piercer or the doctor for personal specific advice.

How long does a bruised nose take to heal?

it takes a year cause it is still going to hurt so to bad for you ha ha ha

What should you do about a crooked tongue piercing that was just done and hurts really bad?

that happened to me the first time i got mine done. just take it out let it heal up for about a week then go tell them that it was crooked. they should do it for free

Your tongue piercing fell out the day after you got it done can you re-pierce it in the same spot and how long should you wait?

you need to wait for it to heal 4-6 weeks i would chuckanother 2 weeks on there even though ur tongue heals quick its so painful re-piercing really bad. hope this helped