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Q: How long does it take for a child who has a white mother and a black father to turn darker?
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What if a child had a white father and its mother has a black father and white mother child look like?

my guess would be that the child would still appear to be racially mixed, but a lighter shade of the "black and white" skin tone.

If a child has a black mother and black and white father would the child be dark complex?

It depends...due to DNA...

If the father has black hair and the mother has dark brown hair can the child have black hair?

yes it can

Will a child with black mother and white father always be light skinned?

no because the black mom could have had the child before she married the white man

What would a child be called with a white mother and black father?

i think they are called half cast

How can a black mother not have a white child but a white mother can?

A black mother will have a child who at the very least will be 50% black.

Mother Mexican father black who determines the child's race?

Whoever happens to be completing the form(s) at the time; after the child reaches adulthood, the child decides.

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In Michigan if two people have a child together with no custody agreement can the mother take the child from the father?

Only in cases of illegitimate births. Well, the mother can take the child but she can't stop the child from seeing the father. the child deserves to see the father in their life. The father can also take the child back and the parents can share time with the child. Or the child can make his/her own decision to live with the mother or father.

If the mother and father of a child are married does the father have parental rights?

Yes, equal to the mother.

A white father and a black mother will produce what color child?

Mulatto or bi-racial. They normally affiliate themselves with blacks.

If your mother or father is biracial what are you?

.You are their child..