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it depends on where it is and the pollution levels in the water.

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Q: How long does it take for a coral reef to be destroyed?
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How long does it take for one square foot of coral reef to form?

1year and 21 seconds

What are facts about the coral reef biome?

The take hundreds of years to develop into a huge reef.

What is the location of Coral Reef Senior High?

Coral Reef Senior High is located in Miami, Florida. Coral Reef High school is rated as a good school with many different activities for students to take part in.

What does a coral reef do?

A coral reef is a plant in the ocean that can produce food for animals.It also can be a home.Even clownfish live in coral reefs.Ever seen the move "Finding Nemo"?Well Nemo and his dad live in a coral reef!

Do reef sharks harm coral reef?

yes they harm it by eating the fish and animals and that kills the coral reffs couse ther are no animals to take care of it

Legal or illegal to take coral from the Great Barrier Reef?

Illegal The Great barrier reef is protected

What do Tiny creatures build that take 1000 years?

Coral Reef

What is the general appearance of the coral reef?

Colonies of coral take on many shapes and sizes. No two look the same. Some resemble plants, some resemble brains, some are spiraling while others are flat like a table top. All of these make up a coral reef. There are many different types of coral reef as well. There is atoll reef, barrier reef, fringing reef, table reef, apron reef, bank reef, patch reef and others. Each of these different types of coral reef grows in a different environment. For more information about the specific shapes associated with the reef types listed above, see the related link.

How long do coral reefs exist?

Coral Reefs can be old upto a million years. Coral Reefs takes a long time to form so after its formed the Coral Reefs stand strong for a long time. Unfortunately due to people who break Coral Reefs they dont last for a pretty long time as it naturally should last.

Why is the coral in the Great Barrier Reef important?

The Great Barrier Reef Coral Is Important because it's its Part of the Ocean. They Have All Different types of oceans that have A Coral Reef In Cause its not just The Great Barrier Reef it's other Oceans Aswell. And the coral gets destroyed by the boats that go in the sea they chop of most of the Coral In the bottom of the sea. Even sometimes people rip the coral and take it home with them. Did You know a coral Reef Is A Living Plant That is alive but once a boat or somebody rips the coral reef It Die's ...

Is coral reef a plankton or a nekton?

Coral reefs are benthos, or bottom-dwellers. Benthos live anywhere on the ocean floor, and filter feed. Coral reefs are made from calcium, take long to form, and are home to many species. They are actually sort of in their own category.

Does the coral reef form with coral polyps to take limestone from the ocean?

Yes it gathers up shells and fish smaller then your pinky finger nail help.