

How long does it take for a hermit crab to die?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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at the very most 20 years maybe 30 if you take very good care of your crab

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Q: How long does it take for a hermit crab to die?
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no because they could be land hermit crab and die

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It depends on how healthy the hermit crab is in my opinion

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the crab will sooner or later die off DO NOT REMOVE THE HERMIT CRAB SHELL if a crab dies out of it dries out and its a slow death so for the sake of the crab DO NOT REMOVE THE CRAB SHELL

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they will die so dont do it

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They cannot live with a land hermit crab because land hermit crabs live out of water so the fish would die (as you know) if it is out of water.

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your hermit crab will die and give u a disease known as gingivitis

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They can't. They will die

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the hermit crab would start to fall out of its shell an you will see his legs coming out and will pop out if i was you dont try it Well it wont die, it should just walk around.

Can hermit crabs die and turn into ghost?

No there is now way in the world that a hermit crab can die and turn into a ghost. . . nothing can do that. He might go to hermit crab heaven Maybe you are a strange polytheist, and maybe THEN hermit crabs die and turn into ghosts....or maybe they are the ghosts in the mario games......

What would happen if the hermit crab doesn't eat?

It would die die die