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Bass mature at different rates. Males can spawn at three years of age, females four. Males grow six inches a year in warm climates, females five, but these rates are for the first two years, then the females catch up and outgrow the males. Females of five years are around 19-22 iches long and weigh between five and seven pounds. Males that age are 15-17 inches long, and weigh 2-3 pounds. The largest male largemouth ever documented was "Bad Leroy Brown", a fish caught by professional Bass angler Tom Mann, and kept in a giant aquarium with other fish in Mann's Tackle store in Alabama. At his death, Leroy weighed seven pounds.

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Q: How long does it take for a largemouth bass to reach its adult size?
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How long does a bass have to be to keep it?

Largemouth, 14 inches, smallmouth, 12 inches. But as they are top predators, they should all be released.

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How big does a largemouth bass get?

I believe you would find that it depends on the body of water and the part of the country. In Texas, for example, depending on its length (naturally) a largemouth bass 10 in long would weigh about .48 lb. A fish 29 in long would weigh about 17.5 lb. Therefore, according to charts, the "average" fish of 19.5 in would weigh about 4.31 lb. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It depends on how much food it has eaten.

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How long does a large mouth bass live?

If they have a healthy diet around 16 to 17 years. If they have a unhealthy diet it will be a little bit shorter. Many bass are caught by fisherman and do not live 16 years.

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they have curved headjoints. they are big. they are an octave below the flute. the diametre is 2-3 times as big as a regular flute i think, and they're pretty long. i played one once, and i had 2 reach far to reach the keys. bass flutes rock!

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