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Q: How long does it take for a package shipped ups from California to reach Louisiana?
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How long does it take for a package shipped USPS First Class from Tennessee to reach California?

2 or 3 days

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100 years

How long does it take for a package shipped USPS from Chicago to reach Bogota in Colombia?

Anything between 10 days up to 1 month.

How long does it take for a package shipped USPS from Ohio to reach South Carolina?

First Class Mail is delivered in three to five days.

When will a package from California reach Maryland?

Depends on how you sent it, but it usually takes 7 to 10 days.

How long does it take for a package shipped USPS priority mail from Idaho to reach Portland Oregon?

Generally 2 days, but there is no guarantee. It could be as much as 3-5 days.

How long will it take UPS to ship packages from Wisconsin to Texas?

It depends on the day. If shipped on monday it should arrive by Friday, or Saturday. Also sometimes ( if lucky ) your package could get there on Thursday if shipped out on monday. Hope it helped! :)

How long would a package being shipped from Michigan to California via USPS Priority Mail take?

Shipping within the United States using priority mail is usually pretty quick. On average, it takes packages within the U.S. to take between 2 to 3 days to reach their destination.

How long does it take for a package from France to reach The US?

Could be anything from a few days to months. It depends on a lot of factors. Shipping speed, how long it takes for the person to get it shipped, and customs. Customs can often make packages take a lot longer to get shipped than they should.

How many days would it take a package mailed by a Standard Flat Rate Shipping Service to reach Houston Texas from California?

Two days to a week.

How long does it take to send first class mail from California to South Korea?

In general it will take first class mail to reach Korea 5-7 days, depending on the package size. In general it will take first class mail to reach Korea 5-7 days, depending on the package size. In general it will take first class mail to reach Korea 5-7 days, depending on the package size.

What is the package on halo reach?

The package that you are suppose to deliver in the end of the campaign is cortana.