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Q: How long does it take for a parent to lose rights if they moved away from the child and it's mother in the state of KY?
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If a parent has not been heard from in 5 years and the child lives with the other parent in Texas is the child concidered abondoned by the other parent?

YES, My exgirlfriend moved up here to Illinois for three months and her ex-husband knew of it,,,,to get her life in order with her mother. When she returned her ex would not allow her to see the kids and she took him to court and lost all rights and the judge said it was abandonedment on her part.

Can a parent move with child and not let other parent know where they moved to?

Only with the permission of the court

If the child didn't get her GED and she moved to her parents who was paying child support can that parent collect child support from other parent in Michigan?

The existing court orders must be modified.

Can a parent still receive child support for an 18 yr old who moved out parent helps out on some financial support for the child?

The obligor parent can request the support go directly to the child. see links below

When the non custodial parent moves x miles away from the child do they lose parental rights?

Not at all! The custody agreement should stipulate how far away each parent can move from the other. Even if the non-custodial parent moved far away, they may still get time with the child. The worst that would happen is the custodial parent would be awarded full custody and the non-custodial parent would get visits.

Under NY law is a parent financially responsible for a child that is 18 and has moved out?


Would a biological father have to continue paying child support if the mother and child moved out of the country?


In Canada if a parent moves away but in the same province who pays for the child to go see the parent that moved?

That's a decision of the court.

If your 18 year old moved out of your home to live with his mom and she was the non-custodial parent and had her legal rights removed do you have to pay child support?

Yes, but presumably it will be redirected to the State or whoever currently has legal custody, until/unless the child is adopted.

Can a custodial parent in North Carolina deny visitation with the noncustodial parent because the noncustodial parent moved out of state for work?

Only the court has the power to deny visitation rights.

What are the rights of a custodial parent who moved out of state but is not receiving court appointed child support payment?

If the custodial parent moved with permission of the other parent and/or permission of the courts (what is binding depends on the state where the original custody and support orders were issued), he or she would need to file a motion of non-compliance with the agency in charge of child support disbursements/enforcement. If the parent notified the original state's agency of their intent to move and jurisdiction was moved to their new state, that is where you would file. If notification was never given or either state's laws do not provide for changes of venue, the motion must be filed in the state that currently has jurisdiction.

Once a minor has moved out of the home at age 17 is the parent still responsible for that minor in Texas?

In Texas, parents are legally responsible for their children until they turn 18, regardless of whether the child has moved out of the home. This means that parents are still responsible for their minor child's welfare until they reach the age of majority.