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In general, it takes about 10 days to 2 weeks for an animal to build a decent immune response after being vaccinated. However, with puppies you also have to consider that maternal antibodies may still be present prior to 16 weeks of age and they may prevent a good immune response from being triggered. Therefore it's not recommended that very young puppies be exposed to areas where other puppies are because there is more risk of exposure to disease as puppies are more susceptible.

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Q: How long does it take for a parvo vaccination to work on a puppy?
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How soon after you puppy's second vaccination can she go out?

. If you do take him/her for a walk, make sure you keep the puppy away from other dogs and other dogs feces, as they can carry the parvo virus.

How long before i can get another dog when i had a dog that died of parvo This was a horriable my first dog dies from parvo and i was just horrified i cried for 3 days- i no your thinking wow?

That should always be your main priority! vaccination for your dog, the parvo virus vaccination, its quite easy for a dog to get the virus as it is caused by cat urine and we all know how many cats are around. If I were you I would get another as soon as you like, but get the vaccination before you even take the dog home or ask the owner of the dog has it had the vaccination as most sellers get this done themselves before selling the pups on.

At what age can you walk a pitbull puppy?

I wouldn't take any puppy out until they are 4 months old and have had all their shots, they can get parvo from the ground and it is deadly.

What if you missed the second vaccination of a puppy?

Take it to the vet ASAP and don't let it outdoors.

What are some names of vaccination shots that you give to your dog?

If you take your dog to the vet. The vet will know which ones are important. Ones he might get are Parvo, Distemper, and Rabies.

My dog is in labor and had one puppy how long does it take for another puppy to come out?

my dog had a puppy and hasn't had a second one yet so how long does it take for A SECOND PUPPY TO BE BORN

Why do puppies poop blood?

that is not a good sign and is one of the symptoms of parvo a dangerous virus that has been known to kill puppies within a short amount of time. you need to make sure that he is staying hydrated and take him to the vet!

What does it mean when a dog has blood in its poop is shaking and has no energy or excitement?

It means take it to a veterinarian RIGHT NOW. Just like in humans, blood in the feces is an indication of a serious problem. It might be anything from a major intestinal infection, to a punctured intestine, to an intestinal blockage. Pretty much anything that can cause bleeding in the intestinal tract will cause death, often painfully. If you care at all about your pet, get them medical treatment immediately or euthanize it.

Can you make something to cure parvo?

No. The best thing to do for your dog if they have parvo is to take them to the veterinarian. Parvo usually requires intense medical treatment, and even then the patient does not make it sometimes.

Can a puppy get parvo after its second vaccination?

Yes, it is possible. The vaccine against parvovirus is not considered completely effective in a puppy until two weeks after the last shot is given; since the last shot is generally given when the puppy is 16 weeks old, the puppy can usually be considered protected by the time it is 18 weeks old. If your puppy had not completed the vaccine series, it was still susceptible to parvovirus infection.

How long does it take a puppy to hear?

3-4 weeks

How long does it take for a puppy to be fully weaned?

about 8 weeks