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It takes about 2 hours for a drink to leave your system.

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Q: How long does it take for alcohol to be out of youre system?
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How long does it take to get alcohol out of your system after alcohol poisoning?

It takes five weeks.

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that it was just from the baby growing.. im not sure about ubirbng alcohol.. what are you using it for..if youre cleaning a wound I doubt it if it would hurt anything.. but im not sure what youre planning on doing with ubirbng alcohol. I'm sure it wont kill your baby if youre using it for what its made for.

How do you take out alcohol out of your system?

You cannot take the alcohol out of your own system. You must wait for the alcohol to phase out on its own.

How long does it take to get 1.5 ounces of alcohol out of your system?

It will typically take between 4 and 24 hours for 1.5 ounces of alcohol to get out of your system. The actual amount of time depends on body chemistry and the metabolism.

How long does it take to rescue princess peach from bowser?

Not long if you know what youre doing

How long does it take for a 40oz of heineken to go through your system?

It normally takes 12 hours for the whole content of alcohol to get right through your system

How long does it take for alcohol to leave your system according to a urine test?

it depends on how many milliliters of alcohol you consume divided by the average ratio of the alcohol content. The alcohol content is displayed on the back of the bottle.

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About 10minutes.

Does alcohol take THC out of your system?

not at all

How long would it take for 4.2 alcohol to get out of your system?

Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of about .015 of BAC per hour. There a BAC of .046 would be gone in about three hours.

You had one drink and you have to take a pee test how long does it take for the alcohol to get out of your system?

It depends on the test. If it's a breathalyzer test, don't worry about it. If it's an EGT, could take as long as three days, but probably less.

If you take a quarter hit of ecstasy and youre 5 feet tall and 93 pounds how long will it take to get out of your system for blood pee poo tests?

All most all of the time it goes away after a day or two.