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Alcohol leaves the body at the rate of about .015 of BAC per hour. There a BAC of .046 would be gone in about three hours.

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Q: How long would it take for 4.2 alcohol to get out of your system?
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How long does it take to get alcohol out of your system after alcohol poisoning?

It takes five weeks.

How long does it take for alcohol to be out of youre system?

It takes about 2 hours for a drink to leave your system.

How do you take out alcohol out of your system?

You cannot take the alcohol out of your own system. You must wait for the alcohol to phase out on its own.

How long does it take to get 1.5 ounces of alcohol out of your system?

It will typically take between 4 and 24 hours for 1.5 ounces of alcohol to get out of your system. The actual amount of time depends on body chemistry and the metabolism.

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It normally takes 12 hours for the whole content of alcohol to get right through your system

How long does it take for alcohol to leave your system according to a urine test?

it depends on how many milliliters of alcohol you consume divided by the average ratio of the alcohol content. The alcohol content is displayed on the back of the bottle.

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Alcohol will start leaving your body in an increasing speed until it reaches a peak (in about 30 minutes) in which it will leave your body in a constant speed. So the days it will take deppend on the amount of alcohol you took. It could be in less than 24 hours, and it is generally. Now, the persistance of the effects deppend on the damage the alcohol caused to your body.

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That is the equivalent of 4 normal beers. It would take over 4 hours for your body to metabolize that amount of alcohol. And you would most likely be legally drunk for the first two hours. If it is a high alcohol content it will take longer.

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How long would it take to to decrease the alcohol reading reading from .05 to .04?

About 40 minutes.

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A long time.

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What do you mean by how long would it take? Like how long would it take to orbit around the sun?