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Q: How long does it take for an unfertilized eggs to travel to the uterus?
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Is there any different in the nutritional value of the fertilized egg and unfertilized eggs?

There is no nutritional difference between a fertilized and an unfertilized egg. People prefer to eat unfertilized commercial layer eggs, so they don't feel like they are eating the next generation. Also a fertilized egg does not have as long of a shelf life as the unfertilized one does.

How long will a duck sit on eggs that don't hatch?

Yes. She believes all the eggs are fertile. Ducks have been known to sit on objects similar to eggs such as golf balls.

How long does it take to get the egg out of the hen after it gets there?

Fertilized or unfertilized, eggs form in a chicken (hen) over a period of about 25 hours, most of the time being spent in the lower part of the ovary called the Shell Gland (comparable to a mammalian uterus).

Do hen lays unfertilized eggs?

Most chicken eggs produced for consumption are unfertilized. Eggs found in the grocery stores are typically produced by chickens that never come in contact with a rooster.In backyard flocks, however, there is usually a rooster present with the hens and he ensures that the eggs are fertilized by mating the hens regularly. Eggs from hens who have been mated in the past week are fertilized chicken eggs. They can be eaten or incubated and hatched into chicks.Yes, hens can and do lay unfertilized eggs. In fact, most grocery store eggs come from hens that have not been mated by a rooster and therefore are unfertilized.Yes, a hen that has not mated with a rooster in the past ten days will lay only unfertilized eggs. A hen that has never been with a rooster will only lay unfertilized eggs.A rooster must mate a hen for her to lay eggs, and after she is first mated it will still take about a week for her eggs to be fertilized, as it takes about that long for the rooster's sperm to travel to the hen's ovaries where her eggs are fertilized before the shell covers them and before they are laid.

Does having your period take away all eggs and possible sperm?

When the egg in the uterus is not fertilized after a full cycle, the lining of the uterus and the unfertilized egg that was in the uterus are expelled in the period. Anyone on her period is just about guaranteed to not be pregnant. But it is possible for a girl to get pregnant while on her period; while pregnancy is less likely at this time than other times in the cycle, sperm lingers for some time in the uterus, and might last long enough to fertilize the next egg that is released.

What is a long coiled tube in worms where many eggs are stored?

A long coiled tube in worms where many eggs are stored is known as the uterus. The ovaries are responsible for the production of eggs.

Is it posable for a female betta to stays full of eggs for too long and will she rip open?

No, when the time is right she will release her eggs even if there is no male around. It is no different from pet birds who sometimes lay unfertilized eggs. The female betta will probably eat her eggs to regain any lost nutrients after she releases them; if not, it is safe and harmless to simply remove them from the tank with your regular water changes. They are unfertilized.

Can the eggs bought at the supermarket ever hatch into chick?

No. Most supermarket eggs are unfertilized and if they are free range and fertilized, they probably have been cold for too long for the embryo to have survived. This said, it is always possible that some mistake is made and a viable egg gets through.

How long does it take a blood clot to to travel to your lungs or heart?

Because....... I LOVE EGGS!

How far is the ovary from the uterus?

Anatomically the ovaries are lateral to the uterus and they are about one inch (a finger width) (0.4cm) away from the uterus.However the egg has a longer distance to travel to the uterus.Each fallopian tube is 10–13 cm (4–5 inches) long. The isthmus of the tube is a small region, only about 2 cm (0.8 inch) long and the uterus is about 7 centimeters long (3cm) . If the egg implants in the middle of the uterus, as most do, the total length is 7.8 inches or 3cm from the ovary to the uterus.

Difference in nutritional value of fertilized and unfertilized eggs?

In fertilized eggs have less nutritional value because the fertilized egg needed nutrition for its young ones So it good to have unfertilized egg because it has more nutrition's than fertilized eggs.

There is a dove on your back porch that has been sitting on a nest since late April early may and still no babies please explain How long does it take?

If there are eggs still in the nest that she's sitting on and they havent hatched, they may be unfertilized. A dove will sit on eggs regardless if they are fertilized. Might just like the area:)