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Q: How long does it take for fingerprints to be matched?
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Do twins have different fingerprints?

Yes. Two people cannot have the same fingerprints. Not even identical twins have exactly matched fingerprints. <3

Under what circumstances are DNA fingerprints used?

In most cases DNA fingerprints are used in identifying crime suspects. If there are fingerprints left at a crime scene then DNA fingerprints are used to attempt to identify the suspect. There is a database of criminal fingerprints that prints can be matched to if they are in the database.

What is the purpose of making fingerprints?

I do not think that there is really a purpose of making fingerprints not on purpose anyways. Fingerprints are mostly made because of the oil of our fingers. Answer 2: Assuming you mean why is is that some agencies take your fingerprint (police, CBP...). Its because each individual has its own unique fingerprint mening that is you have someone fingerprint you can identify him. In most crimes fingerprints are left behind and these can be collected and matched with fingerprints on database to identify the suspect.

How long does it take the IAFIS to find someone's fingerprints?

The Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) can typically find a match to someone's fingerprints within a matter of minutes to hours, depending on the volume of requests and the database's workload.

How long is from fingerprints to citizenship interview 2011 in NEWARK?

How long take fingerprint result for us citizenship,?2012

Why fingerprints are taken?

No person has the same fingerprints they are a unique form of identification, so if a fingerprint can be matched with a print found at the scene of a crime the owner of the print must have be at or at least touched something found at the scene.

How does a csi take fingerprints?


Is possible to change fingerprints by chemicals for long time or short time?

is possible to change fingerprints by chemicals for long time or short time?

How long are the fingerprints for the passenger endorsement good for?

Since fingerprints don't change, they should be good indefinitely.

Why do we fingerprint?

Finger prints are used to distinguish people. This is because scientist have found that there is not one one fingerprint that could be matched with another. Not even twins can have the same fingerprints.

How long does your fingerprints stay for on a surface?

1 day

How old does a person need to be to sign exempt from fingerprinting?

You never get exempt from fingerprints. NEVER. Some jobs require fingerprints and to even begin to take classes in education fingerprints are required. If you want the job, classes, or drivers license you give fingerprints.