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Q: How long does it take for goldfish eggs to hatch and how fast do they grow?
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How long is a goldfish pregnancy?

Goldfish do not have a gestation period because the reproduction of goldfish does not, at any point, involve pregnancy. Goldfish lay their unfertilized eggs which are then fertilized by nearby male goldfish. The fertilized eggs then develop and hatch into fry which then grow into baby fish. Goldfish do not BECOME pregnant. They lay eggs and the male goldfish fertilizes them

What do eggs hatch into?

Tadpoles which grow into FROGS

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Tadpoles which grow into FROGS

What is the number of offsprings for a goldfish?

The average number of eggs layed by goldfish during spawning season is about 5,000. Since goldfish are domestic animals it is entirely up to the goldfish to decide how many of those eggs/fry grow into adult goldfish. Most professional goldfish breeds will choose about 50-100 of the best looking fry to grow into adult fish.

Which statement is true Both grow from seeds Both hatch from eggs Both grow larger as they mature or Both go through metamorphosis?

It is not that they both grow from seeds or hatch from eggs. Now we got it narrowed down. The answer is that they both grow larger as they mature.

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Spring time is the breeding season for goldfish. During this time female goldfish will put on weight, and male goldfish will develop breeding tubercles (white dots on the head and gills). Goldfish may chase each other around the habitat in an effort to find a mate. When a male and female goldfish choose a mate the female will release her eggs onto the breeding ground (such as an aquatic plant, or breeding mop). The male goldfish will then release a cloud of Milt (sperm). The milt thus fertilizes the eggs, and goldfish fry begin to form within the eggs. The goldfish eggs will continue to develop for several days until they eventually hatch into fry. The fry will then grow into fully developed goldfish overtime. These goldfish will eventually reproduce, and thus continue the life cycle.

How do you know if the goldfish are having babies?

Your goldfish will eat a lot more. You would see lots of small white eggs sticking to the aquarium walls and fixtures. The ones that survive hatch into tiny frys. Eggs should be removed as soon as possible because the parent goldfish usually eat them up.

Do goldfish give live birth?

The female can produce a batch of 500-1000 eggs, but they need to be fertilized by the male for them to become viable. She releases the eggs, they stick to the plants, walls, rocks in the tank, and then the male has to come by and spray them.

What do infertile goldfish eggs look like?

the grow a white/green mosk around the egg

How many eggs do a goldfish have?

== == == == Typical aquarium goldfish lay 500 to 600 eggs, but spawnings may be as large as 2000.Most of those will hatch, and with proper care almost all of those fry will live to grow into adult fish.i think they have around 1-7 but i not sure it is all in the size of the fish

How are offspring born from an octopus?

Octopus hatch from eggs. The female octopus protects the eggs and makes sure they are clean and healthy as they grow. She will die right after the babies hatch, though, because she doesn't eat the entire time she's guarding her eggs.

Does a goldfish have live fish birth?

Goldfish are egg-spawners. If you want to breed them, you need: * two aquariums--a 20-gallon spawning tank, and a 10-gallon grow-out tank. Neither one should have gravel or a filter in it. * a male and a female goldfish, both at least three years old * baby goldfish food Put about three inches of water in the grow-out tank. Put the adult goldfish in the spawning tank. When the goldfish are ready to spawn, the male will chase the female all over the tank. When she gets tired enough, she will scatter eggs all over the tank, and the male will spray his milt all over the tank. The milt will turn the water cloudy. Now for the fun part: you have to wait until the water clears, then scoop up all the eggs and put them in the other tank. Goldfish will eat their own eggs. Then cover the other tank, wait until they hatch, and start feeding the little fish.