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About 75 or 76 years depending on how close it got to the Sun and the large planets (Jupiter, Saturn) last time around.

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Q: How long does it take for hallets comet to come?
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That varies completely from comet to comet.

How long does Halley's Comet take to orbit once?

The orbital period of Halley's Comet is about 75.3 years.

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That will completely depend on where the Earth and the comet are in their respective orbits. No single answer is possible.

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It takes 75 years

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76 years

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How long does it take for Haley's comet to make a full orbit?

76 years

How long does it take haleys comet to orbit the sun with a 17.8 AU?

Halley's Comet returns once every 75-76 years.

How long does in take for haileys comet take to orbit the earth?

Halley's Comet orbits the sun, not the earth, roughly every 76 years.

How long does it take comet to revolve around a moon?

There are no data with which to answer that question, because no comet has ever yet been observed in orbit around a moon.