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Q: How long does it take for permanent brain damage to occur from lack of oxygen?
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Once heart stops how long is it until brain damage occurs?

There are a lot of variables, but 4 minutes is the usual guideline. Blood carries oxygen, and blood is pumped by the heart. Brain damage occurs after 4 minutes without fresh oxygen to the brain.

How long does it take to receive brain damage or even die if the the body is not receiving oxygen?

Brain damage start to occur at around 4-6 minutes in someone who's not breathing.

How can glue get you high?

Certain glues may contain chemicals which cut off oxygen flow to the brain. These chemicals are toxic and should be avoided as permanent brain damage can occur. This depends on the specific chemicals present in the glue.

How does brain damage occur?

Brain damage occurs by almost anything like slipping and falling on your head..

How many minutes without oxygen can permanent brain damage occur?

Typically, 3-4 minutes, although there have been RARE cases of persons with VERY low body temperatures that have gone much longer than that.

What is the time frame for brain death due to lack of oxygen?

Brain death due to lack of oxygen can occur within minutes, typically 4-6 minutes, after the brain is deprived of oxygen. The exact time frame can vary depending on factors such as the individual's health, age, and the cause of oxygen deprivation. Immediate medical intervention is crucial to prevent irreversible brain damage.

What types of brain damage are there?

Brain damage may occur due to a wide range of conditions, illnesses, injuries, and as a result of iatrogenesis. Possible causes of widespread (diffuse) brain damage include prolonged hypoxia (shortage of oxygen), poisoning by teratogens (including alcohol), infection, and neurological illness. Chemotherapy can cause brain damage to the neural stem cells and oligodendrocyte cells that produce myelin. Common causes of focal or localized brain damage are physical trauma (traumatic brain injury), stroke, aneurysm, surgery, neurological illness, and heavy metals poisoning including by Mercury and its compounds and lead.

How do you get a blood clot in your brain?

A blood clot in the brain can cause a TIA, or transient ischemic attack, which causes a non-permanent loss of blood supply and oxygen to an area of the brain. Blood clots in the brain also cause stroke. If not corrected quickly, permanent brain damage will result. Clot "busters" are used to break up the clot and restore blood flow. If you suspect a stroke or TIA it is best to get to an ER.

Why is damage to the brain permanent?

Damage to these areas can affect thought processing, sensation and/or motor control of the body and so is obviously serious. The reason is is usually permanent is that the neurones do not really get replaces. For the most part, brain and spinal cord nerves do not regenerate. There is new evidence that suggests that they do, but the evidence and consistency of results are not well understood at this point. The other reason that they seem to be permanent injuries is because one of the nucj=knmaes for the brain and spinal cord is the vital nervous system.

When does lethal brain damage start occur in a choking victim?

After around Three Minutes

What are the causes of cerebral palsy in children?

"Cerebral Palsy is caused by damage to brain, which can occur before, after, or during child birth. The cause of the brain damage range from infections, internal bleeding, and also a lack of oxygen. It is therefore recommended you have your Doctor examine your child's medical records, and run neurological scans to determine the cause."

Should I use a glucose level chart and what could it tell me?

A dangerous drop in glucose levels can result in hypoglycaemia. This can lead to seizures or unconsciousness and very rarely permanent brain damage. Hypoglycaemia can occur because of diabetes treatments.