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Q: How long does it take for the stitches in my cat's gums to disolve?
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How long for disposible stitches to dissolve?

It will take 2 to 4 week to dissolve in the outside & the inside it will disolve in 6 week

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Icap is a type of multivitamin that is blue and takes a long time to disolve

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It depends on amount of salt and water

Will stitches left too long hurt a cat?

If you do not clean the stitches, I would not be supised if the stitches got infected or if your cat was not careful and they caught on something.

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no it could not but it would disolve flesh it may etch a bone over a long period of time but will not disolve it i am hell wasted

What are Temporary stiches?

They are loose, long stitches that are designed to hold the fabric in place until you can put in the real stitches - they're also called basting stitches.

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This depends on many factors: temperature, stirring, granulation.

What dissolve faster sugar or pepper?

if youre referring to ground pepper, then sugar would disolve faster as it is more dense. whereas, pepper corns wouldn't disolve, perhaps over a very long period of time ie, months, but basically sugar would disolve faster.

How long do stitches stay in?

6 to 8 weeks

What are the uses of temporary stitches in sewing?

They are basting stitches which can easily be taken out at a later time. they are longer than the normal stitches

Should you play football with stitches in your forehead?

It depends what you did to it and how long the stitches have been in but for 95% of injuries if you've already had stitches I wouldn't say longer than a month but I'm not a doctor