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Q: How long does it take for xanax to work after doing cocaine?
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Taking vitamins with Xanax?

well... taking vitamins and xanax wont increase your buzz, but if you take vitamins with cocaine it will!

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Yes, make sure you know your limits. anything in excess in bad. as far as doing it, usually you do cocaine first, than the xanax to knock you out. cocaine users do this somtimes because it is hard to sleep afterwards.

How long after taking 2mg xanax should one wait to do cocaine?

It all depends what you're trying to achieve, for me I like to take them at the same time,but it makes me high

Is it ok to take cyclobenzapine with Xanax and marijuana?

I wouldn't take cyclobenzapine with Xanax, your risking respiratory depression issues and could result in a trip to the hospital, coma or death. But mixing marijuana and Xanax should be alright as long as you don't over do it with the Xanax, 1-2mg most. You will most likely fall asleep. But please don't drink at all when you plan on doing this,

Is it safe to take Tylenol pm while doing cocaine?

You shouldn't be doing cocaine. So in other words, no it is not safe to take Tylenol PM with Cocaine. If you've done cocaine and are finding it hard to slow yourself down, take a warm bath and drink some hot fluids (avoid Coffee).

How long does it take xanax to show in your urine?

if you take a xanax at 7 a.m. and get test at 8 a.m. will it show up in a urine

What to take to clean your system from cocaine?

Cocaine only takes about 3 days to leave your system, although for extremely heavy users, it could potentially take up to a week. If you cannot stop doing cocaine for that long, then you are clearly an addict and you should not be looking for a job, anyway. You should be in treatment.

Why did Whitney Houston take Xanax?

According to her family, despite being talented and successful, she was also very insecure and had a poor self-image. She seems to have had an addictive personality: she experimented with a number of drugs, including cocaine, marijuana, and Xanax. Her use of cocaine was partially responsible for her death, according to the autopsy and toxicology reports released after her death.

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It's Xanax. You take it in pill form and you get high.

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How long do Xanax stay in your system

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How long does it take for your nose to be normal again after taking cocaine

How long does it take vinegar to detox the body of cocaine?

It doesn't.